Have you used Valium before?

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Have you used Valium before?

Post by Montey »

I am facing some fairly heavy dental work in the next few weeks and the dental surgeon wants me to take some valium before the work is done. The thing is I have never taken valium before, I don't know anyone who has and being the absolute paranoid control freak that I am, I am more anxious about the affects of the valium on me than I am about the dental work (and that's really saying something because I've passed out in the the dentists chair before).

So... if you've used valium before what does it do to your state of mind? Does it affect your memory, your ability to make decisions, your ability to walk straight, your ability to tell the difference between something right and something that is wrong?

My greatest concern is to be mid-dosage, and to know I am not making the right decisions but being unable to formulate those decisions (i.e. a bit like trying to think of the right word, but with decisions instead).

Experienced comments gratefully accepted.

(Note this is speaking as someone who has never taken an illegal drug in their life, so don't use such analogies as they don't mean anything to me)
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by Sambo »

The real danger about those drugs is your reliability on them which is particularly apparent in diazepam (valium is a brand name, handy hint next time you go to chemist and ask for diazepam(drug name) you might be able to save some dollars by getting the 'house brand'). It is a potentially addictive drug commonly used to fight addictions funnily enough, and obviously also for anxiety.

They are similar to antidepressants in the sense that antidepressants will help you feel happier, valium will help you feel relaxed.

As for your concerns about the side effects, you need to take quite a bit before you start noticing some of the side effects you listed. I just looked it up in a mims book and in dosages above 5mg daily (for god sakes don't quote me on that, trust your doctor) you may well notice the tiredness, but your decision making process wont be effected in terms of its structure..you will just feel tired. Its something you need to gauge after the first couple of days you are on the drug. It really depends on your dosage. It would be best to see a psychiatrist probably first or your GP, your going to need a prescription for it anyway.

As for personal experience, my manager at work uses Valium to combat stress, and shes fine. I don't know about her dosage etc but shes always nice and in good spirits and able to perform her job without any drawbacks. Ive also taken drugs with similar effects and its just about management and finding the right time to take the drug so that it doesn't impact, or at least as little as possible on your daily life.

It should be smooth sailing if you are only on it for a short time, if you want to continue a dosage then you must see a psychiatrist and\or your GP because of its addictive nature, its not an addictive drug so to speak more so you can build a physical dependence on it in order to be relaxed...so yeah see Dr nick about that.
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by kwijibo »

I was given half of one before i had laser eye surgery - i can't say i really noticed anything. The doc said it was to help keep me calm.. but I'm a calm person anyway lol. Afterwards I found it really hard to keep my eyes open, but that mightve been from the surgery itself.. i went home and had a sleep and was fine.

I doubt you've got anything to worry about it.
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by SE1Z »

Don't stress mate... what strength has he prescribed you?
If it's only 5 or 10mg its nothing to worry about :yes:

I was prescribed valium when I was having a lot of trouble coming off an addictive prescription drug.

The only thing I would suggest is not driving after taking valium, you *may* need someone with you for the trip home.

You will feel *VERY* relaxed, almost to the point of sleeping.

WHen you get home, either enjoy the relaxed feeling, or go to bed. You will sleep like a baby :)
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by c.j »


My g/f prescribed me diazepam to help get me out of the shit sleep cycle i was in. Mont, it didnt affect my memory or anything but it did make me always feel dehydrated and i'd sleep for about 14 hours. Mind you i was taking 2 at a time.

I also used them for about 2 weeks to get into a night routine. Had no problems stopping or anything, but i did notice a difference with my ability to just fall asleep without them. Or maybe that was trying to sleep with the sun blasting through the window?

I would say you will be fine. And the extra sleep might do you good :D

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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by Hz-Lab »

yeah i have used the a couple of times before when i have been having troubles getting sleep. They just make you very relaxed, Nothing major, I would not say my state of mind changed as far as being able to rationalize or anything like that. Was just yeah, wanted to sleep.. lol.

You should be right, but like people have already stressed, avoid driving.
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by norbs »

Never has the little blurb at the bottom of the page...

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been more relevant!
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by Peptis »

LOL @ norbs covering his ARSE! :rofl:
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by w00dsy »

how did i know Hz would have used Valium before. He has extra strength ones called roofies.
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by Woodee »

A few years back I went to a dentist for an emergency tooth removal and they gave me an injection of something. I can't really remember what it was but it wasn't to make me unconscious. I would remain conscious throughout the procedure but would feel nothing or have any recollection it happening. Guess I was given Rohypnol? :P When I "came to" I hadn't been asleep, just not with it.... had to be helped to the car and driven home to rest, was kind of zombie like, senses numbed a bit. I am intrigued by this thread to research more into what they exactly gave me to achieve this.
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by Sambo »

Woodee wrote:A few years back I went to a dentist for an emergency tooth removal and they gave me an injection of something. I can't really remember what it was but it wasn't to make me unconscious. I would remain conscious throughout the procedure but would feel nothing or have any recollection it happening. Guess I was given Rohypnol? :P When I "came to" I hadn't been asleep, just not with it.... had to be helped to the car and driven home to rest, was kind of zombie like, senses numbed a bit. I am intrigued by this thread to research more into what they exactly gave me to achieve this.
Valium in large doses gives anterograde amnesia, so basically you forget what happens to you after you take the drug, for as long as the drug is in your system. This is different to retrograde amnesia which is when you forget things before hand.
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Re: Have you used Valium before?

Post by Montey »

Thanks for the comments and insight guys. Is all very useful.
- When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that individual is crazy.
- If youre paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a doghouse? None! Icecream doesn't have bones!!!
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