Sim gear - Momo Red x2, Actlabs Shifter x2, A1 Pedals

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Exar Kun
Sensible Mick
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Sim gear - Momo Red x2, Actlabs Shifter x2, A1 Pedals

Post by Exar Kun »

I'm reasonably happy with my G25 now so I thought i'd offload a bunch of stuff.

I have:

- Momo Force (old red). Used, squash ball mod to pedals. FFB still works great.
- Momo Force (old red). Used, potentiometer for accelerator does not work anymore. FFB still works great.
- Actlabs Shifter - current production model with both h-pattern and sequential shift plates. Comes with USB controller box.
- Actlabs Shifter - beta model for current production. Has a couple of minor differences to clamping system than production model. Has h-pattern shift plate only. Comes with USB controller box.
- Advantage1 A1GT pedals - original production batch in Red with black pedals. Comes with USB controller box.

The shifters are compatible with the A1 pedals - they plug into the same box.
I'd be willing to do a package deal - i.e. the Momo with the broken pot in the pedals with the A1 pedals and one of the shifters. Or any sort of combo of the above that you might be interested in. The red momos have served me extremely well and besides the issue with the pot i have never had any problems with them. The FFB is as strong as ever. The wheels are obviously fairly used but used examples still seem to be fetching decent amounts on ebay - i'll chuck them up there if I get no interest here.

So... if anyone is interested, make me an offer! :tilt:
"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!"
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