Product Placement and Shameless Plugs.

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Product Placement and Shameless Plugs.

Post by Rots »

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Post by Nigel »

bah. THere is no end to product placements in film these days.

Have a look at the rotating "coke" can in Ghostbusters (when the fridge is opened, not matter what angle you are looking at the can is always showing the word "coke")

Or (again coke, although the name of the film escapes me at the momet) the film about the blind man who upon having his sight restored opens his eyes and sees A can of coke.

There are plenty of others. I dont mind product placement, its something we have to live with in this co-modifide capitalist society. What I dont like is when the product dominates the film. "I Robot" would have you think there is no other car other than Audi, that is unrealistic and breaks the suspention of disbelive.

However there are times when its very craftelly done. Sin City for example has a classic moment when we see a brand new Merc and Marv says "I hate new cars" It focused our attention on the product and we remembered what he hated... a merc. Job done. :)

I have always been a fan of *semiotics and advertising. You dont need to beat people over the head with the product. You just need to get them to start talking about it, and more importanly telling others about it (which is what semiotics allows people to do)

another good product placement was the use of an "old" mini in the film "the bourne supremicy" It got you rememebering the name and more importantly it showed you how good it was. That then translates to you at least (if you were that way inclined) thinking about the NEW mini.

*Semiotics is the study of the language of signs, in advertising, you dont need to tell people what the product is you let the work it out through signs. For example the Nike "Swoosh" you see that and think Nike, you are effectivally telling the company what its product is. Once that happens its in your head for ever.
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Post by somebloke »

Best classic was in Stingers or some Aussie cop show like Blue Heelers.

In an episode a Magna was broken into by the bad guy... Mitsubishi complained and a few weeks later a bad guy was running to a car and starts on a Magna, cop grabs him. "Everyone knows you can't break into a Magna, your arrested."

Very obvious ones. FedEx and Wilson in CastAway. Even the great finish where FedEx still deliver the parcel at the end.

They're everywhere these days.
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Post by Jamo »

fourthof5 wrote:However there are times when its very craftelly done. Sin City for example has a classic moment when we see a brand new Merc and Marv says "I hate new cars" It focused our attention on the product and we remembered what he hated... a merc. Job done. :)
That was not product placement. That scene was lifted directly from the book.

As was everything else come to think of it except the very end.
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