Fallout 4

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Re: Fallout 4

Post by NeilPearson »

ysu wrote:
NeilPearson wrote:Adding 33 dmg is huuuge
It's +45 :), but more to the point, 75=>120 is a 60% increase. I've got the perk up to the 3rd star IIRC, which is indeed a 60% increase (I think it's 20% per level). It makes it very effective, I can tell you that :D
true. I was comparing to mine which is 87 :)

I will be using my points on that perk now I can tell you.
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by c.j »

Big Kev wrote:I decided to pick up Fallout3 for a try. It was only £15. Bit of a slow start with the toddler stuff and the kids party but I've got to Megaton and found a couple of sub missions. Currently getting my arse kicked in a local supermarket :)
Ahhh the memories. I too got mauled at the supermarket. I had no idea about VATS, what the game was about or anything. Good times.

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Re: Fallout 4

Post by DarrenM »

Found out if you get stuck not being able to move after using a terminal you can open the console and use the command "SetPlayerAIDriven 0" to get control back.
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by Shonky »

Haven't had the stuck problem yet but thanks for the tip.
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by c.j »

I am playing this game way too much when everyone goes to bed. The more I play, the more I am enjoying it. Which is a swing from the previous trend with New Vegas.

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Re: Fallout 4

Post by c.j »

Where are you gents up to? I have failed a mission for the minutemen, seems I left it too long to go and conquer a settlement. On the plus side the Artillery has been handy.

I am caught up trying to keep the settlements happy whilst I try to do the BOS campaign. I have stored about every weapon I have found and as such have 23 fat man nukes and 4 launchers. Anyone used one yet? I haven't pulled the trigger as everytime I have thought to use it I have friendlies in vicinity.

Came across a behemoth in an urban environment, that was a trick situation, lucky I found the high ground.

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Re: Fallout 4

Post by ysu »

I'm at lvl 30-something right now - I don't have *that* much time to play, plus I'm spending a lot of time arranging equipment (what for?) and fixing settlements. It's tedious, I'm a bit bored with building tbh as it's just annoying that nothing fits. It's too buggy. And hard to tell who does what (if anything) within the settlement.

I've met a behemoth, too, it was tough. Very-very tough. I had to play the environment to get him down, eventually...I'm not using heavy weapons; using single shot rifles.

I've failed a couple of missions by waiting too long. Got a few ppl dead as a result, but I've just sent a few heads over from another settlement to fill them up a bit, hehe.
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by Shonky »

c.j wrote:Where are you gents up to? I have failed a mission for the minutemen, seems I left it too long to go and conquer a settlement. On the plus side the Artillery has been handy.

I am caught up trying to keep the settlements happy whilst I try to do the BOS campaign. I have stored about every weapon I have found and as such have 23 fat man nukes and 4 launchers. Anyone used one yet? I haven't pulled the trigger as everytime I have thought to use it I have friendlies in vicinity.

Came across a behemoth in an urban environment, that was a trick situation, lucky I found the high ground.
I'm at level 50/51 and have put the game down, I've run out of completable quests, and the 3 I have left are broken and can't be completed so I won't be back until I see them fixed in some future patch notes, it was fun till the bugs got in my way and the base building just seemed like a waste with no purpose.

Typical of Bethesda I seem to have great fun until some game breaking bug gets in my way and I then I walk away, never to return. Good game but ultimately left me disappointed due to being unable to complete quests. :(
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by smithcorp »

On sale for 50% off on Steam...
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by r8response »

smithcorp wrote:On sale for 50% off on Steam...
The DLC's are also on sale
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by Jamo »

c.j wrote:The more I play, the more I am enjoying it. Which is a swing from the previous trend with New Vegas.
It's funny I'm the opposite I'm enjoying it but a lot less than 3 and NV. I'm actually at a kind of empasse at the moment as I've tonnes of Caps but no ammo and I can't find anywhere to buy any.

There are some things I downright loath.

* The Terrible Consolitis.
* The new Dialogue system is pissweak and with the Character talking, completely kills immersion.
* The Upgrade/Perk system is a massive step backwards from previous entries.
* There seems way to much foliage for a Wasteland.
* The whole settlement thing seems annoyingly hackneyed and a complete anathema to what Fallout has always been about.
* The Power Armour is complete crap, WTF Bethesda it has always been awesome before.

Still only Level 14 or so, I guess it will get better. Just need some better weapons and actual ammo to use them.
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by ysu »

I agree/disagree with that, Jamo.
The consolitis is strong, indeed. The perk sys I like. I haven't had any trouble with ammo, though,
WRT foliage: this is some 150 years after the strikes IIRC. In fact there isn't enough foliage. Plants would grow strong. :)
The settlements are a good idea in my opinion, but it's friggen confusing & very hard to manage. And buggy as shit.
Again, no probs with the power armour, if - IF! - you can find/get/manufacture(?) enough batteries (whatever they were called). But I have never had to use the power armours, tbh. I may have built the character luckily, or maybe I'm a real gun slinger :D Using appropriate weapons for appropriate enemies seems to be the key, need proficiency in about 3 classes and you're good - and the ammo will be easier to manage if you carry 3 different weapons (and can swap at the base to others)...later you'll prolly have too much ammo. I've had to sell some, as I got maxed out of a few types.
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Re: Fallout 4

Post by DarrenM »

Stimpaks and radaway should have been removed or made very rare. They put in the survival style cooking mechanic with different pros and cons for the different foods and recipes, then made the whole system redundant by showering the world with stimpaks.

I used power armor for a fair bit of the game and had well over 100 power cells by the end. The upgrades were pretty limited, but the electric shock and carry weight upgrades were quite useful. Ammo was a bit of an issue at the start, but once I got a variety of proper guns it was fine. If you run out of one type, just switch to a different class of gun for a while.

The settlements were also disappointing. Add a few turrets to keep defence > food and that's it. No need for actual defenses, walls or considered turret placement.

I finished the game and enjoyed it overall, but it could have been so much better if they made the survival aspects necessary. Seems like they just made it into a basic shooter for console nubs and threw in some crafting because that's what the kids are into these days.
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