Which blogging platform should I use?

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Which blogging platform should I use?

Post by Duderino »

In my daily browsing I visit a lot of different tech-blogs, and I've realized that a lot of them have one specific thing incommon, they are almost always listing news-items from the persepective of the consumers. Sometimes they have articles that are more or less statements from the companies itself. But a lot of the blogs seem to have quite a low understanding of the business-aspect of the tech-world.

I am therefore concidering opening up my own blog that would focus on the corporate side of things, to help readers understand different sides of the news. In my past, while I was travelling I have been using Wordpress, and I know it a bit. But I just wanted to see if any of you guys have had any experience with Blogger or any other blog-hosting service?

Have they been good? And if you've used Wordpress as well, which would you prefer?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Which blogging platform should I use?

Post by Big Kev »

Wordpress is by far the biggest in the market for this. I'd stick with that. Loads of themes, wigits and hacks knocking around for it. Dead easy to set up and update.
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Re: Which blogging platform should I use?

Post by Shonky »

I concur with Kev, Wordpress is so versatile these days, I'm currently working on a website for my own business using Wordpress and I've been really impressed with how far it's come since I looked at using it last (5-10 yrs ago). Thus far there hasn't been a question I haven't had answered by a quick google search, or a need that hasn't been fulfilled by a plugin for what I need Wordpress to do.

If I had a complaint about Wordpress, it would be that it's a victim of it's own success, you need to login to it at least once a week and check if there are any security fixes to install for itself, or any plugins you have installed.
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Re: Which blogging platform should I use?

Post by CLP »

I use Blogger. It's simple and gets the job done. I don't really have any complaints, but then I probably don't even come close to stressing it with how I use. I essentially use it as a place to post up cycling stories and photos. :) Maybe the only thing that I've found annoying is the placement of photos can be a bit hit and miss, so manually handling the HTML needs to be used to sort that out.

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Re: Which blogging platform should I use?

Post by Duderino »

Thank you for your answers! :)

So, I thought a little update might be in place. I decided to stick to what I am familiar with, and keep on using Wordpress. Right now I am in the reserach-phase of how to best design the blog itself. I understand that if it actually goes well, I will have to keep on changing stuff. But there are quite a lof of aspects that I didn't even think about when the idea came to my mind. Just to give you guys an example, over the past year mobile searches for the first time in history overtook desktop searches. As such, people who find stuff online are more than likely to be on a mobile device. Therefore bloggers have to keep in mind to create a website that has a mobile friendly user interface.

I've been reading up on this for the last couple of days, and yesterday, just by chance I found a really nice guide with tips on things that could help the user experience and the webdesign. The text talks amongst other things about the importance of using the website on a mobile device, but also things like infinite scrolling as well as using good imagery to make the content stand out a bit more for the reader.

As I am reseraching these things, and try out a few things in Wordpress, I think I've landed in a design that I will be happy to use, which seem nice to an audience as well. Getting excited to start writing some content soon and go live!
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