League Format Idea's/Judges

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League Format Idea's/Judges

Post by nutty »

As mentioned in the other drifting thread, the biggest issue with running the comp will be sorting out the drivers.

I think a max number of 16 drivers should be used for each "leg", the problem behind this is that 16 spot's is hardly enough for the drifters out there.

The idea put forward was a seeding system, but I was thinking of just modifying it.

Making it so that, first in best dressed for round 1, everyone who is interested in racing in the league will put there name down, then the first 16 are picked and compete in round 1, top 8 (basically if you pass your battle) you qualify for round 2, if you loose the first round you miss out and are added to the end of the list. Round 2 will add the next 8 drivers who missed out, and so on throughout the rounds.

Points will be handed to the top 4 and
then at the end of the comp, points are tallied and the top 8 will go into a final on club.

I cant think of another fair way that is fairly easy to do.

What does everyone think?

Next thing is judges, anyone willing to judge the whole series? and doesnt partically want to drift
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Post by Mr.Ferret »

Sounds good nutty... ill just put my name down now to get into the top 16 .... :D
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Post by samoo »

points wise, i think a wicked system could run something like this

http://www.bracketmaker.com/tmenu.cfm?e ... 55&tclass=

if u lose your first round, 1 point. single elim, so bl youre knocked out. (lose in either games 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 )
lose 2nd round, 4 points. (lose in either games 9,10,11,12)
lose 3rd round 6 points. (lose in either games 13,14)
lose final, 8 points, (lose game15)
win final, 10 points (win game15)

also, i think nobody should be able to talk until the judges have made hteir decision, as it could affect their ruling. I was guilty of this, and it cost tofu his win(sorry).
A single warning for each time someone does it, then auto forfeit from the event after their third warning, of if they're already knocked out, an one event ban.

edit: another note, the judges shouldnt decide when a run starts in my opinion. both drivers should type ready when they are ready,
then the lead car is free to go anytime and its up to the chaser to be on his toes.
I say this in reference to the me V wobby battle. I had no idea we were about to run, i typed 'whos leading?' and didnt get a reply, then the judges say GO and i wasnt expecting it :lol: were werent even lined up properly lol

/me rests fingers,
and thats my two cents :rofl:
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Post by r8response »

my hand is in the air for the Main judging position.

im not one for doing the actual drifting. but i do enjoy watching it
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Post by wobblysauce »

samoo : yep .. good points giving there...

Judge.. :p
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Post by Tofuboi »

Well spoon said I judged pretty well in the first Drift comp we did, and I didnt do particularly well in drifting myself, so im more than happy to do some judging, if theres a spot left, if there isnt, well i might aswell participate in drifting, if theres no judging spots.
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Post by nutty »

I like the points you mentioned Samoo, ill use that for sure
Tho that link doesnt work.

Tofuboi/Wobblysauce and r8 will be the judges, ill sit in if im not racing as well =)

Ill type up the rules tonight and get it going before xmas
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Post by KNAPPO »

Please put my name down for the comp.

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Post by samoo »

nutty wrote:Tofuboi/Wobblysauce and r8 will be the judges, ill sit in if im not racing as well =)
good plan, they should make great judges.

try this link for the bracket.
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Post by Gusto »

Where's Hamal for a judge? I liked his language use :p

Good system samoo. So in other words (in terms of winning instead of losing):

everyone is guaranteed at least 1 point
the winners of the first round are guaranteed at least 4 points
the second round winners are guaranteed at least 6 points
the third round winners are guaranteed at least 8 points
the final round winner gets 10 points.

Just another way of looking at it ;)
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Post by Hz-Lab »

nutty, the rotation system for bringing in new drivers is a good one, withe the top 8 of each round guaranteed a place in the next round. One thing to keep in mind tho, every new round you must make sure that in the 1st heat, the drivers who won the right to compete in that round, face off against a new driver in. This will essentially ensure that the its possible for the top 8 drivers to remain in the comp every round. i mean you wouldnt want your 1st and 4th placed drifters for example, meeting 1st round and one getting knocked out of the following round when really, they're a better drifter. It also ensures that any newcomers in that manage to break through to the top 8 are actually worthy of it, considering they would have to beat one of them to go through.

get what i mean. a lot of people have mentioned that some knockout tourneys like this (and our special stage event) should be ran like 1st plays 2nd and 3rd plays 4th and so on, the fact is thats simply not fair. a) because you should be rewarded for being better, by holding the #1 rank, you should be given an easier run to the final. and b) because you want the opportunity for the top 2 drifters to be able to meet in the final. Not before hand.

Take a look at any major sporting event that uses the knockout finals system. They all run like that. 1st seed or 1st ranked ALWAYS gets the easiest run to the finals. The 1st event in the league that you run will be easy, you can just randomise the table as it hasnt been established yet who is ranked #1, 2 or 3 and so on. But by round 2 you'll need to take a lightly different approach.

but nutty, if ya ever want a hand Constructing the Brackets or whatever, Just let me know. I aint got a problem with whippin them up for ya.
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Post by nutty »

I like your idea Hz-Lab, that will be used.

If you wouldnt mind wipping up the brackets it would be great, im still doing the rules atm
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Post by wobblysauce »

:camera: :photo: :burn: :cyclops: :podcast:
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