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Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 9:41 am
by smithcorp
Yeah it ain't good. I went to my first one-day face to face conference last week. I was pretty much the only person masked up the whole time v- complacency. At the dinner that night I had to take off the mask to eat and drink but was very nervous about it. A bloke visiting from the US who sat next to me at dinner came down with COVID at rthe end of last week and I got hit by a bad bug I was sure was COVID, but which was negative on RAT and PCR.

I wear a mask indoors still, especially on buses and trains - its still out there with a fury, but people don't seem to want to think about it any more.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 10:28 am
by norbs
Well i think it got me last week, although I felt worse after the vaccinations than i did with this. RAT results were...

Thu -
Fri +
Sun -
Mon -

So if that was COVID, thank you to all the scientists, chemists etc that developed the vaccine.

I still wear masks everywhere I go, and have no fucking idea how I got it if I had it. It was weird Smith when we went to get beers that night you were here and I walked in to the shop with out a mask (pretty sure that is one of the very few times I havent had a mask on, mainly because we had your car and I didnt bring it with me) and it felt weird, not the other way around.

At Bunnings last week, and when I pre poll voted, it was mainly the elderly that were wearing masks.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 7:08 pm
by AstrO
Well after dodging it for ages, my daughter finally decided to share COVID with me... on day 7 of our isolation. My daughter had a high temp for a few days, but then bounced back to normal thankfully (easy to manage her condition with paracetamol). I've been down for quite a few days now (had my booster in early Jan), hopefully on the mend now. My final day of isolation is Friday, as long as my son stays in the clear and I'm all good.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 9:40 pm
by smithcorp
norbs wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 10:28 am I havent had a mask on, mainly because we had your car and I didnt bring it with me
Pretty much every jacket I own has a mask in the pocket. I still forget them and have to go back for one.

Hope you are okay Astro.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 12:11 pm
by Duke
Not sure how but we have somehow avoided it so far. Think we've been very lucky so far as we have so many other family & friends getting it lately.

I know eventually we will get it but my worry is the long term lingering effects of it, a lot of friends still don't feel right or have the same energy levels since contracting it months ago & that's not even from long covid illness.

Hope you doing ok Astr0, don't push it too early is my advice.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 12:53 pm
by CLP
V and I have managed to avoid it thus far. <crosses fingers> Though we both figure it's probably only a matter of time :/
We both primarily work from home, so that's working to our advantage and we're frequently the only people wearing masks when we're out and about.

Felt like we probably had a close call at a bike race recently where a guy showed up to race, his son already at home with covid, who insisted that he had to talk to us :/ he tested positive the next day :/

Unfortunately it's starting to feel like the "old days" where people would show up to work or whereever with a cold and not care about others, except now the stakes feel a lot higher... yay :/

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 1:28 pm
by norbs

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2022 11:45 am
by norbs

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:16 am
by smithcorp
Finally out of iso today. But amazed to see the scale of daily deaths this year 10 times that of last year, but no restrictions. People are self-destructive

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:36 pm
by norbs

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 6:59 pm
by CLP
Interesting comparison:
Between 1980 and 1990 the annual average number of cyclists losing their lives Australia-wide was 88. Prompting every cyclist across the country being forced to wear a magic foam hat to keep them "safe".

A similar number of lives lost per week in a single state .. nothing. :rolleyes:

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:59 am
Well, 7 weeks after all 5 of us caught COVID, here I go again!!! :(

My son caught it again one day after school holidays started... Luckily his brothers have not picked it up yet and Bec and I have managed so far to keep testing negative. Had to cancel another holiday.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:54 am
by norbs
I still wear a mask when I am out. I still cop shit for it. That is wearing fucking thing I can tell you.

Do people that have had it worry about the long term effects? I know of 2 mates that have had it that are still struggling months after catching it. It's not killing them, just zapping their energy. And 1 still has a hacking cough.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:16 am
by DarrenM
Still see a fair few masks in Sydney. Only a few in shops but on the bus it was probably 30-40% wearing them.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:10 am
norbs wrote: Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:54 am Do people that have had it worry about the long term effects? I know of 2 mates that have had it that are still struggling months after catching it. It's not killing them, just zapping their energy. And 1 still has a hacking cough.

My wife and I were talking about this the other day. In short yes.

I caught it the same week as a mate in Melbourne (DexterPunk) and another mate in Sydney, both members of this forum but do not come here very often anymore. My mate in Melbs and I got over it in the 5 odd days but my mate in Sydney was nocked around hard for well over a month!

It took me a while to get back into the swing of things and have full motivation/energy to do projects around the house ect. Really do not feel like catching it again this soon from having it last time... I have a runny nose and a bit of an itchy throat but still testing negative, for now.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:40 pm
by pixelboy
Who do you cop shit for wearing a mask from?

We absolutely need to get on with life but wearing a mask is totally acceptable in any situation as far as Im concerned.. its a personal choice.

COVID is here to stay unfortunately.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:04 am
by norbs
pixelboy wrote: Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:40 pm Who do you cop shit for wearing a mask from?

We absolutely need to get on with life but wearing a mask is totally acceptable in any situation as far as Im concerned.. its a personal choice.

COVID is here to stay unfortunately.
So many people. My response depends on the day and my mood.

My mask has indigenous artwork printed on it. Last week some toothless fuck in Bunnings asked me if I was an Abo lover. His slag of a wife laughed. I told them my husband has an auto immune issue and that slowed them up. When I suggested a mask to hide the fact he had no teeth he got all pissy.

I dont go out often, but it happens on a regular basis.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 6:07 pm
by Brett_S
norbs wrote: Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:04 am So many people. My response depends on the day and my mood.

My mask has indigenous artwork printed on it. Last week some toothless fuck in Bunnings asked me if I was an Abo lover. His slag of a wife laughed. I told them my husband has an auto immune issue and that slowed them up. When I suggested a mask to hide the fact he had no teeth he got all pissy.

I dont go out often, but it happens on a regular basis.
F'ing LOL :D

Would have made a great viral vid if you were recording

Just got back from a few days in Canberra and didn't see many people wearing masks except for nearly all of the staff at Questacon

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:09 am
by smithcorp
Bloody months after getting over COVID and I'm booking in to get my heart and lungs looked at. Lost half my lung capacity so that after getting better, I had to stop to rest walking up stairs or even small hills. Been trying hard to get it back with lots of walking and swimming, and its getting slowly better, but I get pains across my chest under the sternum. I'm a bit worried COVID's damaged my heart and/or lungs and figure i should get it checked out (plus a bloke at the sailing club had a heart attack that just seemed like him being particularly fatigued).

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 10:54 am
by richo
That sounds very similar to my condition but mine is interstitial lung disease and very much like your symptoms . Came out of nowhere too.

I'm at about 38% total lung capacity and luckily its been stable at those numbers for close to a year now , still looking at a lung transplant which makes my arsehole pucker at the thought.

Hope you get sorted and through it as it is a pain in the arse .

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:36 am
by smithcorp
Jesus richo, that's bad - the thought of a lung transplant is chilling.

My lungs aren't too bad now (not having to use ventolin all the time) but doctor thinks pain is agina from covid damage. Had some blood tests today and seeing a cardiologist Thursday.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:22 pm
by norbs
smithcorp wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:36 am Jesus richo, that's bad - the thought of a lung transplant is chilling.

My lungs aren't too bad now (not having to use ventolin all the time) but doctor thinks pain is agina from covid damage. Had some blood tests today and seeing a cardiologist Thursday.
Um.... either you dropped an N or Bibi is a lesbian. :D

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:43 am
by smithcorp

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:25 am
by Cursed
Yikes... Interstitial lung disease... reminds me I need to re-engage with doctors again.. Haven't been in a few years now. I've had a persistent cough for years and was getting it looked into, but I don't think I've gotten through the complete diagnosis. X-rays show scarring (interstitial lung disease / pulmonary fibrosis), my lung capacity (volume of the lungs) at last test was above average by about 10-15%, but my oxygen uptake was at about 85%. I asked ifthe 15% over capacity made up for the 15% less uptake, but apparently it doesn't work that way.

The thoracic specialist had asked me to get blood tests to see if I had some anti-bodies from something you can pick up from birds - I bred budgies for fun for a few years as a kid and we had pet galahs. That's where the whole episode left off and I need to get back to it. Best of luck, Jamo. Take care of yourself.

My issues pre-dated COVID, but I am hoping that with these complications from COVID being increasingly prominent, perhaps there'll be more research and some novel treatments might develop.

Re: COVID-19

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:59 am
by richo
Cursed wrote: Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:25 am Yikes... Interstitial lung disease... reminds me I need to re-engage with doctors again.. Haven't been in a few years now. I've had a persistent cough for years and was getting it looked into, but I don't think I've gotten through the complete diagnosis. X-rays show scarring (interstitial lung disease / pulmonary fibrosis), my lung capacity (volume of the lungs) at last test was above average by about 10-15%, but my oxygen uptake was at about 85%. I asked ifthe 15% over capacity made up for the 15% less uptake, but apparently it doesn't work that way.

The thoracic specialist had asked me to get blood tests to see if I had some anti-bodies from something you can pick up from birds - I bred budgies for fun for a few years as a kid and we had pet galahs. That's where the whole episode left off and I need to get back to it. Best of luck, Jamo. Take care of yourself.

My issues pre-dated COVID, but I am hoping that with these complications from COVID being increasingly prominent, perhaps there'll be more research and some novel treatments might develop.
That sounds very similar to my condition , my right lung doesn't work really at all because it has become so fibrous and I'm down to around 38% total lung capacity .

I have the PPFE variant which supposedly there are less than one hundred cases worldwide so I guess I got extra lucky :)

Keep up with your doc and testing you don't want this shit kicking on without knowing about it.