Wareny you retard.

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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Hz-Lab »

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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Hz-Lab »

The only place cyclists shit me off is up in the hills when they ride a couple wide. In the city, not a problem, plenty of room. But in the Hills, if they were single file, no worries, I can pass quite safely after waiting for the right time. But 2 abreast is a little harder, I have been held up for up to 5 to 10 minutes before where I could of easily passed had it been single file.

In saying that, That is only on the extremely narrow roads, on normal width roads I have no problem with it. It's not so much the Rules, or their Rights, it's just some riders don't use common sense. Maybe it's because maybe less than 10% of my riding is on Roads, but when I am around cars I am trying my goddamn best to get as far left as I can and get the Hell out of their way, I am in constant fear of being taken down and Look for the nearest bit of Singletrack or Bike path..lol.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by w00dsy »

CLP wrote:
from a safety perspective, single rider, @ 1m from the edge of the road, or 2 riders side by side occupying about the same amount of space.. no difference.

Remembering that a driver needs to give safe clearance when passing a rider, generally considered to be 1 metre when travelling between 50-70 km/h, a test...

given an arbitrary lane position by a cyclist, measure from the tip of the cyclists elbow 1 metre. this is the closest distance that a vehicle should be to the cyclist. from that point measure out the distance, wing mirror to wing mirror, of your car.. Almost without fail (ie. barring luxuriously wide lanes, or super skinny car), you'll be standing in the oncoming lane. So to legally pass that cyclist, a driver is obliged to enter the on coming lane. It makes no difference where the cyclist is!

i think that'd be ideal, but all of us that have ridden on the road know that's not always the case :D

I've been pretty lucky so far in regards to dealing with cars, i've had a few run close to me nothing to really worry too much about, so far. Despite the fact that there is shit loads of cars constantly on the road where i live they have all been pretty courteous. One thing i have had happen in the last 2 rides i have done scares the shit out of me each time. When i am coming up to a chicane such as the one pictured below, i stick to the left or try and beat the car through, but the cars have kept coming and taken to the right side of the chicane to pass me. That may be fine for the driver because they know what's happening, but when you hear a car coming from behind and not slowing down it scares the shit out of you.

i know it's legal to ride side by side but i'm not going to put myself any further out onto the road than i need to. If i come to an intersection i'll hit the middle of the road if i have to, but i do my best to stay out of the way of cars when i don't need to be in their way.

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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by norbs »

c.j wrote:Settle down iceage, before you have a stroke. You are all about open discussion as long as it fits within your point of view eh Norbs. Same shit different day. What the fuck ever.

I'm not making threats to people like some fucking road warrior. I am quite happy for open discussion, otherwise I would delete your stupid comments. Feel free to express your views, like everyone else here.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by CLP »

w00dsy wrote: i think that'd be ideal, but all of us that have ridden on the road know that's not always the case :D
true, which is the unfortunate thing.. it should be the norm, rather than the exception.

The example you gave re: the chicanes are a prime candidate for claiming the lane. No way you want a driver even thinking about passing you going through one of those... position yourself in the middle of the lane on the approach, go through the chicane, and return to your favoured position on the other side.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by w00dsy »

i'm sure you've all heard about Warnies latest run in with a cyclist. Here's Warnies tweets.

guys stay with me here its important... so there i was driving home after a training session at the mcg.. pulled up at the lights, felt a..

thump on my boot, looked in mirror a bike rider hit my car then held onto my car to pull himself through the traffic, lights change.....

he pulls out in front of me whacks my bonnet with his hand and pulls out in front of all the traffic, i yell out hey buddy what the hell ...

are you doing he abuses me i say get off the road, he stops in front of me and holds up traffic and just stays on his bike ! so, now i.....

can't move nor anyone else, i go to slowly move around him and he just moves with me, yep clipped his tyre and he then abuses me some more.

anyway, i drive off he rides off and everyone was shaking their head at this bike rider as he was being very dangerous. he was very lucky

that i was being polite and careful and the drivers around him otherwise if anyone decided to be an idiot then he was in real trouble.

its amazing how things pan out, i have only been saying recently please bike riders obey the road rules and keep it safe for everyone

it is a serious issue , please govt cn you do something about this situation, surely we can all get along unfortunately its 1 or 2 ...

bike riders out there that are ruining it for everyone, can we crack down on them and change the law please its to dangerous...

and for that matter can we please all get along on the road its everyones, just be sensible and not stupid bike riders, your going to cause

a riot soon, please lets not wait till something serious happens, do something now. I waited till i got home and used my computer to tweet

i have rung the police and lodged a report on the matter.. PLEASE bike riders stop being so rude on the road, as i have said im all for..

fitness, bike riding etc, but im seriously worried about what is going to happen as there as i said are 1 or 2 that are spoiling it for all

feeling very cross now and the bike rider was so lucky that all the drivers around him were being polite and not nasty... so close .....

Apologies for rant but believe it's very important.. Wish bike riders paid rego then I would have his number plate, anyway apologies again

Here is the cyclists version of events

Like most days, yesterday started with my girlfriend and I riding our bikes to work together. She doesn’t feel safe riding St Kilda RD in peak hour alone and after the near misses I’ve had over the years I like to be able to keep an eye on her too. So I escort her to her work and then continue on another 8kms or so to mine.
At 5:25pm I began my usual daily commute from Gardenvale to Richmond (near the MCG) and at about 5:45pm I arrived and waited at the red lights on St Kilda Rd at the Toorak RD intersection. Once the lights changed to green on St Kilda RD there was congestion from the right turning traffic from Toorak RD, as there always is, blocking the city bound traffic from passing.
So same as every other day I and the other 10 or so cyclists at the intersection began the precarious weave through the stationary traffic to bridge the gap to the bike lane on the other side of Kings Way.
Though yesterday I couldn’t get through as easily as usual because a grey Mercedes Coupe in the centre lane was very close to the left turning traffic and allowed almost no space for cyclists to pass through.
As the traffic was stationary I unclipped my right foot and squeezed through the small gap. The driver in the car on my right, the Mercedes – possibly concerned I might damage his car – yelled out to me. Once I was through the gap I moved back into the centre lane, stopped and looked back at the driver, who was still yelling, to hear what he was saying.
“What are you doing? You don’t own the road! Get out of the way” he yelled repeatedly. I shook my head and probably yelled something similarly inane back. Now even more agitated the driver continued to yell, “you don’t own the road”. I looked more closely and recognised him as Shane Warne, laughed and asked, “What are you doing?” and began to get ready to clip into my bike to continue the ride home.
But before I could the driver lurched his car forward forcing my bike wheel and almost my leg under the front of his car. Dumbfounded at how overtly aggressive the driver had been and aware that we were now holding up the traffic, I pulled my bike from under the car and attempted to continue riding. My wheel was jammed against the frame of my bike and the chain was tangled so I had to carry it to the footpath to fix it.
At this point a pedestrian witnesses were yelling, “Get his rego” and some even yelled out his registration. One woman approached me offering assistance and asked, “Are you OK? Are you going to follow it up? I have the rego ” as she held her phone. I thanked her told her it wouldn’t be necessary – partially because I was in shock but also because I hadn’t yet realised the extent of the damage to my bike and I knew who the driver was anyway.
My girlfriend who had witnessed the whole thing from the adjacent corner now came over to ask if I was OK and what happened. “Shane Warne just ran into me with his car” I replied.
We carried my bike to the nearest police station and I recounted the incident to the constable in hope that he could get in touch with Mr Warne and I could get the damage he caused to my bike repaired.
The constable took pictures of my damaged bike, gave me a card and informed me that he would follow it up and get in touch when he has something to report. He also noted that the driver legally should have exchanged details with me after being in an accident.
My girlfriend walked the 4kms home and jumped on twitter on the off-chance someone had mentioned it. It turned out Mr Warne had mentioned it. In fact he’d written a long anecdote as he saw the incident.
Reading through his account I was surprised that such a public and identifiable person would be so eager to publicise a pretty unpleasant an embarrassing incident.
I immediately called the constable I’d spoken with and told him that Mr Warne had tweeted about the incident and asked him to review it; noting that I disagreed with his version.
To quickly address Mr Warne’s statements:
• At no point did I ‘thump’ or ‘whack’ your car
• At no point did I hold on to your car or use it ‘pull myself through traffic’
• I wouldn’t describe your behaviour as ‘polite’ nor ‘careful’
• If you were aware that you had ‘clipped’ me then why didn’t you stop to exchange details or see if I had been hurt?
• I think the pictures show that my wheel is more damaged than a clipping (attached)
• I did not ‘ride away’. I had to carry my bike after you’d bent the wheel, lock it up and come back and get it in my car later
Thank-you to the witness that came forward and gave their account of the event. I encourage other witnesses to likewise.
I’d had no intention of making any of this public – I simply wanted deal with it privately and ask him to repair my bike. However Mr Warne, the public man that he is, seemed to want the whole thing in plain view. After reading his twitter account I discovered the comments he’d been making about cyclists in the previous days. I was surprised by how angry and frustrated he seemed to be.
I commute about 100km a week on my bike and have done so for a few years so I’ve come across my share of road rage, recklessness, inattentiveness and aggression by those inside and outside of the green lane.
So I can agree with Mr Warne on a few points:
• Cyclists should “obey the road rules and keep it safe for everyone”. As should motorist and pedestrians.
• I too would like the government to do something about the situation. I think they have made positive changes and continue to do so. There is of course a lot more that could be done.
• It is a serious issue and we should be able to get along. No one, not motorists, not pedestrians nor cyclists should feel unsafe or anxious getting to and from work.
Shane, please acknowledge that you made a mistake and pay for my bike. I’ll be donating yesterday’s pay to the Amy Gillett foundation to do my bit – it would be great if you did the same.

Now Warnie is back on twitter

Have just seen bike riders version of events, please buddy - whatever ! I'm not going to get into a 5 year old tit for tat..,

Ps we both know what happened & people next to me shook their head at your actions ! Enough - all move on please !

I'm concerned that the Govt are not addressing the situation & are not prepared to show common sense & make it safe for everyone Over & out

Given he was so vocal yesterday, and now he's asking people to move on after the cyclists version of events have been made public i'm tipping there's more to it than Warnie is letting on. Oh and he is retweeting a fair few supportive messages, but not a single one that shows him in the wrong.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Santaria »

Here's a thought, maybe he wasn't in the wrong? Riders can be dicks in the city. So can drivers. It's a he said, she said scenario.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Speed »

Santaria wrote:Here's a thought, maybe he wasn't in the wrong? Riders can be dicks in the city. So can drivers. It's a he said, she said scenario.
It's certainly possible, we'll never really know. I do know who I would be more prepared to believe though. :nod:

I think it's fair to say that most cyclists are motorists also & as I am both I come across a higher percentage of drivers with a poor attitude than I do cyclists.
Sometimes I can't quite believe that I'm being honked at when a driver imagines he has right of way. To be fair it not a common occurrence.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Doso »

Santaria wrote:Here's a thought, maybe he wasn't in the wrong? Riders can be dicks in the city. So can drivers. It's a he said, she said scenario.

For Warne to change his tone so quick from calling bike rider to have rego so that "Wish bike riders paid rego then I would have his number plate" to "please buddy - whatever ! I'm not going to get into a 5 year old tit for tat.."

Sounds like Warne has realised the bike rider has called his bluff, especially now that he knows that the incident has been reported to police & there other 3rd party witnesses
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by kwijibo »

w00dsy wrote: i know it's legal to ride side by side but i'm not going to put myself any further out onto the road than i need to. If i come to an intersection i'll hit the middle of the road if i have to, but i do my best to stay out of the way of cars when i don't need to be in their way.
I agree with that. I wouldn't mind if it was illegal to ride side by side. Would it really be a hassle to cyclists? I certainly find it easier when I'm in the car to get around one rider rather than two, and I haven't had any troubles seeing them - they're basically straight ahead, not off the side of the road in a paddock.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Duke »

I'm not goin to get into the cyclists vs car debate as it's as fruitless as Warne'ys diatribe about rego & the like.
Just cause you are a "has been" sports-star come celebrity doesn't mean you can say whatever you feel is right & just to push you're own agenda barrow...
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-n ... 6246735306" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

In my perfect world this can all be settled using one word "RESPECT".
RESPECT the road rules
Equal & mutual RESPECT between road users (vehicle drivers & cyclists)
RESPECT the situation & react accordingly. (This includes giving adequate space & only ride 2 abreast where it makes sense to)
But I guess this is just another long lost attribute of modern society. :sigh:

Just to quantify I do about 12,000km's a year on a bike and would do about 8-10,000km's in cars & I've come across just as many bone-head cyclists as drivers and openly admit that I have probably done some things in both forms of transportation that would make others shake their heads, we're all human after all....

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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by wobblysauce »

w00dsy wrote:...I've been pretty lucky so far in regards to dealing with cars, i've had a few run close to me nothing to really worry too much about, so far. Despite the fact that there is shit loads of cars constantly on the road where i live they have all been pretty courteous. One thing i have had happen in the last 2 rides i have done scares the shit out of me each time. When i am coming up to a chicane such as the one pictured below, i stick to the left or try and beat the car through, but the cars have kept coming and taken to the right side of the chicane to pass me. That may be fine for the driver because they know what's happening, but when you hear a car coming from behind and not slowing down it scares the shit out of you...

For me it is roundabouts. Drivers speeding to pass -yet comes to a stop as soon as they think it is clear, not leaving much room if any, less if they intend to turn.

Flinty, You are right with the RESPECT part, it goes both ways.
Some play it safe on the merry-go-round, others go for the thrills of the roller-coaster.

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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Dr. Pain »

It's 6 of one half a dozen of the other. All road users are at fault.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Hz-Lab »

Wareny Retard yeers ago dident hee?
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Enforcer-J »


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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by DarrenM »

He didn't go full retard though.

You never go full retard.
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by Hz-Lab »

I did once, she was awesome... Until I scratched her CD
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Re: Wareny you retard.

Post by VTRacing »

I had a laugh when a facebook friend (who lives in Melbourne) posted this:
Perfect morning for a ride along the beach. Great view, zero hold ups, and best of all, I didn't wind up flat like those other people under Warnie's car.
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