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from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:23 pm
by Bauer
found this at RSC, thought it relevant to share
In order to qualify for promotion from rookie to 'D' license at the end of this month, rookies have fulfill the following two requirements.

First, your Safety Rating must be over 3.0, and second you must have completed the minimum participation requirements. For a rookie that's 4 Time Trials OR 2 races.

I think some people are continuing to drive the rookie car even after they get their Safety Rating over 3.0 and are eligible for the Advanced version. The potential trap in this is in this part of the Sporting Code:

2.4.3.Sessions must be completed in series that match the driver’s current highest license level in order to complete the minimum participation requirement for promotion to the next license level. Participation in lower-license-level sessions will not count.
For a rookie with a Safety Rating over 3.0, the highest license level is the Advanced version of the car.

So, to qualify for promotion to 'D' at the end of July, you must have completed those minimum participation requirements in the Advanced car, whether Solstice or Legend or both.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:34 pm
by Sarsippius
Hmm good to know, I've done that already for my road license but I better do a few advanced legends races I suppose.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:27 pm
by Exar Kun
It's an odd one that. What if your safety rating went over 3.0 with the final race of the series?

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:47 pm
by ysu
I surely have lost out on the d licence in ovals then.

I'd be interested what happens if you go over 4.0 tho? Do you have to buy the new car and run 2 races in that or lose the next-level licence again?(since above 4 the highest available on road is the skippy)

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:55 pm
by Righteous
I am going to have to work my arse off to get my road license up.. Just can't seem to catch a break at the moment. Hopefully the 7pm race will be a good one for me.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:30 pm
by NeilPearson
i cba with the road atm, its not catching my attention.

and i cba with rookie legends, everyone just wrecks me. im only racing advanced legends, im even contemplating getting the late model very soon.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:32 pm
by Righteous
I think as soon as I can I will get into late model stuff too. But I just need to get my road over 3.0. Was going fine it the last road race for about 3/4 of the first lap until my wheel fell off the desk :( Got ran into while I was trying to recover.

Once I got going again I got BSOD :( :( :( Driving me crazy. We have a new track next week right?

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:47 pm
by Bauer
do we go back to LRP next week for the Rookie? Im not sure if Summit Pt is on the rookie schedule or not.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:25 pm
by NeilPearson
Bauer wrote:do we go back to LRP next week for the Rookie? Im not sure if Summit Pt is on the rookie schedule or not.
yes mate, schedual checking isnt hard ;)

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:56 pm
by Bauer
NeilPearson wrote:
Bauer wrote:do we go back to LRP next week for the Rookie? Im not sure if Summit Pt is on the rookie schedule or not.
yes mate, schedual checking isnt hard ;)
hey you are right. I hadnt noticed that before :D

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:26 pm
by Sarsippius
Don't freak out guys, we have until the end of the month which is heaps of time. 3.0 is not hard to get and you only need two races to advance.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:46 pm
by Righteous
Just had a good one. Led for 10 laps and got a win.. few :) on 2.7 now.

Need to re qual now though, after some practice I have managed to get low 49s my qual time is a 51.. He he..

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:11 am
by Exar Kun
I've done 2 quals, 2 TTs and 3 races and that's got me up to 3.4 SR. And I've had incidents in all of those. I was happily on my way to 2nd in my last race at Laguna when I had brain fade and grabbed second gear into the second last corner. Did a 180 and lost 2 places. Then I cut the corkscrew (something I seem to do at least once a race - it's either that or spin when I don't get the braking right on approach) and lost another spot.

Had my first oval race last night and managed to stay clean and not cop a single point so my SR shot up by well over .1 in one race which was pretty good.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:42 am
IM just starting out as of tonight so ide say i wont try too hard to get into Class D.
But it might mean that i have to put up with some of the noob action ive been reading about...

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:53 am
by Righteous
No mate, you will easily mate D. Just get a couple of clean runs in and you will be fine. You start at 2.5 and all you need to do is get up to 3. The trick really is, I wish i listened, just to drive clean. Go hard later, for now you have a few weeks to get your SR up.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:34 am
by DarrenM
That's not correct. People are getting confused between SR level and License level. I only did 1 tt in the advanced legends and still went up.

Nim getting it wrong on the official forums didn't help. Here's a clarification from him
Hopefully this will help clarify things for everyone.

1. You do NOT have to race the Advanced Solstice to move up to the Class D License. (My apologize for stating the opposite earlier.)

Randy has helped me out by clarifying the following...

As a Rookie, every "successful" race or time trial counts as far as sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 are concerned. It does not matter whether you do them all at one track, or spread them out.

"Successful" means:
- For a race session, the race must be official, and you must have scored more than zero points. If you look at the Results for a race session, it will say something like "Race Session: 1765016/85829 Official" near the top.
- For a time trial, it must be official, and you must have a time in the "Fastest N Lap Average" column.

Section 2.4.3 is sufficiently vague (we'll be clarifying it in a future revision of the sporting code). Again, as a Rookie, race and time trial sessions in any of the cars that you can drive will count towards your promotion to Class D.

The intent of 2.4.3 is that only race and time trial sessions in seasons that are at or above the level appropriate for your current Racing License will be counted towards the minimum participation requirements.

For example, if someone with a Class D License runs race and time trial sessions in the Rookie or Advance Rookie series, those sessions won't count towards the minimum participation requirements for "graduation" to a Class C license. All of you Class D license holders take note: You must run at least 4 race or 4 time trial sessions in the Skip Barber or Late Model series to graduate to a Class C License.

Also note that your Road and Oval licenses are separate. You have to meet both the Safety Rating and the Minimum Participation requirements in the Road category to graduate to a Class D Road License. You have to separately meet those requirements in the Oval category to graduate to a Class D Oval license. Solstice and Skip Barber sessions count towards Road, and Legends and Late Model sessions count towards Oval.

Hopefully this helps,
Basically, the rookie solstice and legends are Rookie license level cars, so sessions in them do count towards your license advancement requirement.

Re: from Rookie to Class "D"

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:42 am
by Bauer
cheers Darren. I just read that and was on my way here to post.
Nim getting it wrong on the official forums didn't help. Here's a clarification from him
that was the key right there. getting things clarified from where it needed to be :up: