Chickenfoot, could be interesting

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The Senna of Hoppers Crossing
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Chickenfoot, could be interesting

Post by w00dsy »

Joe Satriani is jazzed about Chickenfoot, his new supergroup consisting of Sammy Hagar, former Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony, Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith and himself.

"We are truly over-the-top excited about this," the guitarist extraordinaire says. "It's a very energetic kind of rock music that reminds you of early Zeppelin."

But he's adamant about one thing: that silly name. In his view, nobody should get too used to calling the band Chickenfoot. "We just had to call it something for the time being," he says. "It's definitely not going to be Chickenfoot. I guarantee it."

Having just wrapped the first leg of a world tour (which saw one-time Satriani bassist Stu Hamm filling in for Brad Russell, who had to bail due to scheduling conflicts) Satch and Chickenfoot are hitting the studio this week to begin recording an album that will be out early next year.

Already there's been considerable buzz about the project, much of it brought on by some controversial comments from Sammy Hagar, in which he asserted, among other things, that the band "could rival Led Zeppelin."

Despite admitting to a certain Zeppelin rush to the music, Satriani categorically denies that Hagar made such statements. "I can't imagine Sam saying anything like that," he says. "I think it was just twisted."

Recently, Joe Satriani sat down for his second interview with MusicRadar this year. In addition to the new band, he was eager to discuss his new "Black Dog" guitar, Ibanez's faithful recreation of the axe he played in the late '80s and early '90s. "There's so much going on with me right now," he says. "So much to do, so much to talk about. I'm just trying to keep it all together right now."
interview here ... part-2.mp3
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Re: Chickenfoot, could be interesting

Post by peteynut »

Sounds and looks reasonably promising eh, will keep an eye out.
Although really my head doesn't seem to quite see it as comfortable selection of people...Seems like a mashup of some sorts.
e.g I have no idea what to expect.

Certainly a talented bunch of muso's though.
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