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Want to come and race?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:46 pm
by WizardHat
Hi Arses.

I've been playing LFS online again a lot lately, but because there is SFA Australian hosts running apart from Monday nights I've decided that each night apart from Monday* I'll be hosting a small server of about 8-9 people (all my connection can handle). I know the boat has pretty much sailed on LFS for a lot of you guys but if you're up for some fun please come and turn some laps with me.

I figure it's not going to work too well but all I can do is try.

The server name is Wizard's Racing Club, and should be visible on the master server (is for me via LFSworld anyway).

Well that's all, hopefully I'll see some of you on track soon.


*I will be hosting at the conclusion of MNR each Monday.