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Anyone use Joomla?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 3:21 pm
by SE1Z
I've been given the task of taking over a previously used, and now un-needed web site to promote a client conference we are hosting.

I have all the login details etc...

The idea is that I will edit the old site and update it with the new information for our clients. Which, for me, will hopefully be much easier than designing a brand new site - especially with my very limited html/website knowledge... :melt:

On the site, there is a registration form.
I need to edit this.
Not only the info and questions on the page, but where the data is sent once the user hits 'submit'

The idea is that our clients will visit the page and then 'register' their attendance so we know final numbers in advance.

I can't for the life of me figure out where to edit this page within Joomla.

If anyone can help, I would be very grateful!

Re: Anyone use Joomla?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:17 pm
by petey
I've used joomla for my personal sites, however I don't entirely understand what you are asking.

If you can access the administration page then you either need to edit the specific page/article you are referring to, or is it a module for registration that you are talking about? Either way, I'm no expert but if you can elaborate I will know whether I could be of assistance :aussie:

Re: Anyone use Joomla?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:30 pm
by SE1Z
Hey Petey.

This is the page/form i'm trying to edit.

I need to alter the fields the clients can enter.
e.g. name, organisation... etc...

I also need to redirect where this information is sent, as currently, when you hit submit, it goes to the old site owners.


Re: Anyone use Joomla?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 4:07 pm
by AstrO
If I remember correctly, I think Gusto uses Joomla. Maybe send him a PM?

Re: Anyone use Joomla?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 6:46 pm
by petey
The tag at the bottom says its a form by

Possibly check the site they may have documentation. wrote:Install ChronoForms then go to Admin | Components | Chrono Forms | Forms Management

If you click New you will see a row of tabs that allow you to configure your own form from scratch. This can be tricky to start with so we suggest that you download the Basic Form from the Downloads area here.
If you have ever used a php form before then changing the submit action shouldn't be too tricky. as far as i know everything in joomla can easily be edited at a source level through the admin area.

Re: Anyone use Joomla?

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:52 pm
by dvestate
This is the old format that the RC club used in the past, you should be able to find the page within the admin area and modify it

You tube has a few vids you can use - " onclick=";return false;

If you can get a copy of the html page you should be able to edit the code directly yourself to mod the field names and then change the Submit information to a new location.

Send me an email at work if you need a hand and I can have a quick look Tuesday arvo as I've got to go to works Data Centre in the morning for a hardware audit (the suckie part of IT). Either that our hit up Dan ;)