Star Wars Battlefront 2

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Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

Damn there is some serious hate for this game even before it's released! :yikes:

So it got my attention on the ABC news website that it's the most down voted game ever, even before it's released. Most of the trouble comes from EA having a loot crate system that offers star cards giving stats boost. This can be quite small or as large as 15% so I believe. I got one that offers a 1% cool down for a weapon. I can increase this via crafting. But open the gates of hell and let the hate spew forth on reddit! EA is greedy! It's pay to win! ect...

But, you can get all these things by just playing the game. It will take time to unlock it all and you don't have to buy a damn thing. But there are people spending money to get a stats boost via the loot crates. However people who are actually good at playing the game are spanking people who have these star cards and who have a stat boost. Good skill still wins the day.

Anyway I got a pre order and have played since yesterday and it's fun! It looks amazing even on my 7970. So much so that I was admiring some polish marble floors in a palace only to get my dumb arse killed by some battle droids. I've been Darth Vader. He walks around in combat, I guess no need to rush when you're a bad ass. Force users are hero's in the game and they feel like but you can be killed. I do like being a grunt too. Heavy trooper is what I'm liking the most. I am yet to fly or drive any vehicles.

I am getting loot crates via a daily log in and by completing tasks. I don't plan to spend any coin in this game just going to earn it all. You can buy your way to all the content but the game has shown me that if you suck, you suck and trying to buy your way out of it won't work. So many people are missing this point and just listening to the masses. It's like anything though, either you like the game or you don't. I like it and am enjoying it.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by GT VIRUS »

It takes 6 continuous fucking months of playing the games to unlock everything, or $2100 in loot boxes. That is simply not right in any way. And they keep claiming to make chances to make it easier, all while reducing the bonus's you get.

The stats in a competitive multiplayer game are the difference between winning and losing for equally skilled players, it ruins the fun for the poor of the world. How about on friday night we put 300kg on your car, and take a random kilo number off ever hour. You have a 1/10 chance of removing a kilo, 1/100 chance of removing 5kg's, or 9/10 chance or removing the air restrictor. Oh, you don't have any restrictor penaltys? Fuck you, that's what you get out of the random loot box.

This is the absolute worse practice, and I hate you for supporting it. This shit has been building for so long, and I'm glad someone has finally overstepped the mark. This game deserves the hate, EA deserves everything it's getting for putting this crap in all there games
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

Your tears fill the worlds ocean GT so thank you.

You can add 300kg's to my car but even without it, I can't beat Marshy, something with skill and the same thing is in this game. The minor stat boost gets shat upon by a better player. I suck and I know it in these types of game.

I've logged 517 hours in AC and haven't driven every possible combo available. I want time from games. If you hate me for supporting this, then go fuck yourself and I would say it to your face!
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by GT VIRUS »

And i'll tell you to go fuck yourself, defending the horrendous business practice that is this shit. The horrible gambling practices are there to manipulate people out of more money and drain every dollar out of you.

Give it a week, and you'll have spent an extra $100 dollars on the game and feel like a dirty whore. Everything about this game is just a horrible attempt to drain every dollar out of you.

Lootboxes aren't a replacement for progression, they are a way to manipulate the human mind into spending more, pure and simple.

I have no idea what your AC comment is about at all
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by wabbit »

Is it really gambling if you always win... something?
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

GT, have you played the game? Comment when you do son. You are so quick to criticise everything. My AC comment was to show the amount of time I will put into a game. Everything can be unlocked just by playing. I've been playing the different game mode and getting loot crates and haven't spent any coin. Don't intend too and I'm already getting stuff. Fuck me just playing the game gets you free stuff?! Well that's just mad! But feel free to go nuts and bang on about EA bleeding people dry, you're making yourself look stupid but haters gonna hate.

Anyway for those interested, the game is great! Multiplayer space combat was fun. Got no cards/upgrades on my bird and yet I was downing people who did. Nailed one dude who had two of the second highest rated cards you can get. Pay to win my arse! The game tells you who is running what when you die or they do. My issues was running into things lol. I was on Endore in the single player story sniping in the forest and the rebels are hard to pick out. Having a scanner saved my arse. Now I got missions in a Tie fighter waiting :vibes:
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by GT VIRUS »

How about you do some research on how much you actually get for you money. THE FACT is that in a multiplayer game, to have all the content (NEEEDED to be on an equal level with everyone else) takes thousands of hours of playing, or thousands of dollars. Notice how in AC you have all the content upfront? Notice how you don't have to spend 1000 hours to have a car on the same level as everyone else? Notice how until this year, in every game you knew how to unlock the content or it was unlocked at the start, and it wasn't up to a random chance wheel.

I'm not going to buy it because I am not stupid enough to give money to a company that has fucked gamers at every turn. I'm glad you think it's balanced because you got one lucky fucking kill, it's just as lucky when you win a race on fridays. There is a reason everyone is complaining! The game has been referred to the Belgium Gambling Commision for review for chirsts sake.

YOU are making yourself look stupid, in every way the game is pay to win. If you pay EA the money, you have better stats. No 2 ways around that. And the lootboxes are designed to suck the money out of those with gambling habits, those with addictive tendencies. Just look at all the stories of people pouring thousands into mobile games, now you have the privilege of paying $60 upfront to pay EA even more.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

It bothers you that I play it and like it doesn't it? Don't loss too much sleep over it and I'll just keep feeding out the rope so you can hang yourself some more :lol:
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by GT VIRUS »

Yeah thanks for proving you are being a dick. I'm not going to support shameful, deceptive and manipulative practices. Thanks for supporting the downfall of mainstream gaming
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

C'mon you can do better than that with name calling, lightweight
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by GT VIRUS »

I'm stating a fact, you are being a dick. Try making arguments rather than baiting me.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Cursed »

Doc is a master baiter.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by DarrenM »

RNG loot boxes are pure cancer and this game has a terminal case on par with mobile gaming whale farms.

in my opinion it's gambling because most times you're not going to get something you want. That's the whole point of the idea afterall. To make people spend more than they would if they could directly buy individual items. I'd say spending money and not getting something you actually want or a duplicate item is a loss.

I've bought cosmetics in games and don't have an issue with that, but fucked if I'll ever buy RNG boxes. Games with pay to win or content locking RNG boxes can fuck right off.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

Having played the game and getting free crates, what you get in them isn't worth buying anyway. As I've said earlier the boost that they give is there via the star cards is there, no arguments on that but you play well you negate that advantage. I was doing it last night. You play the game enough you get all that stuff just for playing. At no point in the EULA did it say you must buy crates from us. There's nothing in this micro transaction system that I want anyway.

I don't get why people get so worked up about game that you don't have to buy into. EA are not sending out gangs of stand over men forcing you to buy it. Their method of micro transaction will fail and they will learn the hard way. But when you don't have artistic control over the game you make, I would never have put it in. Blizzard do this so well but they can do what they like as it's their game.

But again all this is over shadowing the game which is great! I am enjoying it very much and I have bought far worse games in the past.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by StanDaam »

Wow!! The heat in this thread is making my clothes fall off... maybe the Dr and GT could get a room...
Regarding the pay for progress, I think it can work if it is balanced correctly. I play quite a bit of Clash of Clans, gem bonuses all over the place, buy this, progress quicker, etc etc. There are some interesting stats around about where the actual money comes from in this model (roughly 1% of the players provide the majority of the income). But the thing is, I've never spent a cent on the game and it's balanced so that I'm not penalized for that.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

I'd get a room with you anytime Stan :yummy:
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by KNAPPO »

Friday night will be fun tonight.

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

I hate to break this to you Knappo but it will be normal. Yeah I know it's disappointing but we'll all get over it.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

Wow seems endless bitching pays off! :yikes: But but but how do I spend money it it now?! :cry:
But as we approach the worldwide launch, it's clear that many of you feel there are still challenges in the design. We’ve heard the concerns about potentially giving players unfair advantages. And we’ve heard that this is overshadowing an otherwise great game. This was never our intention. Sorry we didn’t get this right.

We hear you loud and clear, so we’re turning off all in-game purchases. We will now spend more time listening, adjusting, balancing and tuning. This means that the option to purchase crystals in the game is now offline, and all progression will be earned through gameplay. The ability to purchase crystals in-game will become available at a later date, only after we’ve made changes to the game. We’ll share more details as we work through this.
I'm quitting now, its ruined! :grumpy:
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by r8response »

I've been enjoying it. I have no intention of buying any crystals etc. Just playing the game as it is. I tend to pick on class (Heavy) and stick with it, so I don't have to worry about unlocks/cards for other classes.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by wobblysauce »

And putting a limit on the single player earning.
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I have a joke for you. I have a prediction that you are going to walk into a bar, my prediction was wrong and your wallet is gone.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

That limit is annoying.

We will have Finn and Captain Phasma on Dec 13.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by wabbit »

A good comment to read.
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Post by Dr. Pain »

The parents do need to be aware of what they are getting into. The game is pegi 16 rated. With a few tweaks, most of the issues people have could be dealt with.
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