Chow Mein

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Chow Mein

Post by Bauer »

Just wondered if any of you make it and is it close to any traditional Chow Mein or like me, make a dish that you call Chow Mein but would have no real idea how to make it properly.

Thought Id share how I do it. Made it just now and it is a family favourite.

500g mince
1 cup chicken stock
2-3 cups of water
1/2 cup of rice
handful of pasta - how big your hands are will probably determine of you need the 3rd cup of water. I cook this for 5-7 minutes separately.
1/2 tsp curry powder
3tbs soy sauce
3tbs tomato sauce
1 packet of Chicken Noodle soup (can you chicken 2 minute noodles if you are out)
handful of frozen peas and corn if it is your thing
salt n pepper

brown the mince in the oil
add soup + stock and 2 cups of water and bring to boil
add the rest, mix it up and let it simmer until vegies are tender and rice is cooked
I add the peas and corn when it is just about done. I add the extra water if needed
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Re: Chow Mein

Post by Hazelb »

Did u save me any?
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Re: Chow Mein

Post by wobblysauce »

I don't make it or eat it but just asked my house mate because they do and said...

No Rice-Pasta-Curry powder-Tomato sauce, Add some Cabbage and it is the same as they do.
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