Microsoft Surface

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Re: Microsoft Surface

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I got a 650GB 5400 rpm.
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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I got mine this morning and I am a n00b with it. I don't own anything touch screen till now, not even a phone. Last phone I bought was a Nokia 6610 :rofl: I've only used a Nexus 10 briefly. I am familiar with windows 7 and have used windows 8, but not touch screen, and server 2012. So it comes ready to go but has really limited paper work. It just shows you how to swipe from a corner, what buttons there are and how to connect the keyboard, if you have one. It had charge in the battery so I could get going to personalise it fast. Typical windows account creating and personal settings stuff. Nothing too difficult there. Win 8 is good when using touch screen. Although swapping to the desktop mode you really need a stylus, it would make live easier. I found a free google search app in the store which is great as I don't like internet explorer. I need to play with this app and see if I can access everything like flash and shock wave.

I'm only ever going to use this for web browsing and watching F1 stream, if I can, and so far this is suiting the bill nicely. I really like the fact that being a windows environment that for me it's so easy to use. I'm not familiar is Mac or Android so learning curve isn't an issue. I do need to buy a case for it, a stylus and I'd like to get the USB charging kit. At this stage I don't think I'll worry about getting a keyboard for it. The on screen keyboard works well enough.
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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Poor bloke.. First touch screen is a surface.. Scared for life!
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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I like my first touch screen. I've always used windows and liked it, still do. The surface is doing what I want it to do. I found out there's no usb charging and the site I use for an F1 stream doesn't work properly but that's no big deal as I have my PC and laptop for that. I've wanted something that's quick access to the internet to browse or look something up while I'm not at my PC or if I'm sitting out side. I find my laptop to be a bit of a pain in the arse as it's got to boot win 7 and of late the battery seems to drain fast if it's not at 100% charge. Yet the battery will hold 100% charge for days or weeks. I need to keep an eye of this and hope the battery isn't crapping out so soon. The surface is on stand by and it's fast to get into it and browse. It takes a while to charge though, a good two to three hours but seems you get 8 hours of heavy use from it or a few days from stand by.

I really like it but at the end of the day it's just another tablet and if you own a fairly recent tablet then you wouldn't bother with the RT. But if you don't have a tablet then check it out. I think if you're thinking about the Pro, I'd look at a laptop. It's $139 to buy the touch keyboards on top of the grand you spent on the Pro. The on screen typing on the RT is ok but you wouldn't want to be typing emails, letters or documents on it.
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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You can't really say look at a laptop instead... It's a different piece of kit. And for some people it's a case of right tool for the job. Some people just want a reasonably capable, but very light computer. If you have a look at some of the other light weight options that are spec's similarly, it's very well priced.

A full size laptop is different again. Usually not solid state, and a 'M', not a 'U' processor. It's more capable as a portable family computer.

Desktops don't have batteries and thus, don't have to worry about powering down a processor. They don't have mobile video cards either so usually much better for intensive work or gaming.

The surface pro fits a niche, and I reckon it will do well. A lot better than the RT has done. I think I sold one in about 12 months. The Pro, I have 6 people pre ordered waiting for release date.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

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I'll stand by saying looking at a laptop for now. I know it's different kit to a laptop but good laptops sit in this price range and offer a lot. It's going to do well there's no doubt. I can see diehards and geeks getting it but I think it's main stream appeal will be limited for the time being.
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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It depends what you mean by 'offer a lot'. For some people it doesn't offer anything more. Again, right tool for the job.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

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Surface pro going nuts. Haven't seen this much interest in an IT product since an iPad launch.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

Post by durbster »

Interesting, not heard any hype at all. In fact I don't know if it's even on sale here yet :D

Do you reckon primarily business users or home, Dex?
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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Not really sure, but certainly people who want a capable computer that's more portable.

There's not much hype as such. But I sold about 10 of them today. That's huge for a fairly quiet store like ours.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

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Having had the RT now close to a week I can see the appeal of the Pro. I've only got windows 8 RT but I really like it so to have full windows 8 on something so small would be great. I'm using mine as a satellite to my main PC and and for browsing the web and it works brilliantly for that. I've played music across the wi-fi, accessed images but now I need to try watching a TV show or something to see how it goes.

The camera's are crap though and the Pro has the same. Only 1.1 megapixels, with no zoom, they come up grainy. Also the 4 hour battery life on the Pro would be a concern. I get 8 hours of heavy use from the RT and days on standby. If they get that battery life to the RT level then it would great. But it's got to match other ultrabooks at least and it doesn't really do that yet.
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Re: Microsoft Surface

Post by DexterPunk »

That's because it's smaller (smaller battery) and same i5 processor. Unless they make a bigger, or massively thick one, its not going to match a 13" UB for battery life I wouldn't think.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

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DexterPunk wrote:Surface pro going nuts. Haven't seen this much interest in an IT product since an iPad launch.
So, now the initial sales to 'geeks in the know' have gone, how is it selling to normo's?
I still don't know anyone who's bought one.
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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We are a pretty quiet store so not a great gauge at times, but they are still selling now and then. I've not sold one chromebook yet.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

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Also we don't normally show them the surface pro if they don't know what they are after. There's more commission to be made in a run out laptop.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

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I just did a bit of looking around.

Apparently they've only sold about 1.5m.
In the same period, 52m tablets and 89m PCs have been sold.

Not exactly worrying the market are they.
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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It should be included in the 89m PC's. it depends on your perspective. I bet it's doing better than a HP Pavilion M6.

They stuffed it up though in my opinion. The launch day had a lot of interest but then it's died off. The launch of the surface RT had everyone asking for them, but they were online only initially, and people didn't realise you couldn't run an exe file etc. when we did eventually get those, no one wanted one anyway. Everyone interested was waiting for the Pro. So those people bought one. But had they done what apple do... Announced it, showed ads like they did, had it in store with both the RT and Pro 3 weeks later... It would have been picked up by many more people.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

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Definitely not selling well over here. They've just done a price cut. I think the extra 100 quid for the keyboard made a lot of people think twice.
Microsoft has slashed the price of the Microsoft Surface by almost a third. A whopping £120 has been sliced off the Windows 8 tablet, making it more than a hundred quid cheaper than the latest iPad.

The discount drops the price of the 32GB model to £280, down from £400. Meanwhile the 64GB version now costs £360.

Among the places you can pick up a discounted Surface is John Lewis, which offers six months free broadband with a tablet, Kindle, or other gadget.
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Re: Microsoft Surface

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Sounds like they are talking about the RT. which I also think is pointless.

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Re: Microsoft Surface

Post by wobblysauce »

RT is also slower then the PRO.
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