Oculus Rift

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by renesis37 »

Thanks guys. In game looks the same as everywhere else, I think it was my eyes last night (it was 1am) after a day of sitting in front of a screen. I just had a go and it does look better today, what an idiot. lol.

So what games are worth buying?
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Cursed »

Lately I spend my time on these:
(From Oculus home)
Mountain Goat Mountain - it's free and not a bad time burner
Pinball Fx2 VR - I'm in love with this game. I even bought the add on tables for Fathers' Day.
Bigscreen - your desktop in the Rift

(From Steam)
AC - well, duh
Euro Truck Sim 2 - takes some setting up and isn't particularly smooth in places thanks to DX9
NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulator Demo - comes with three coasters. It always puts a big grin on my face
Bigscreen or Virtual Desktop - as above

You might want to look into VoiceAttack. I find it invaluable for various controls in ETS2, AC, War Thunder and Elite: Dangerous. This way I don't have to hunt for buttons I can't see, I just say something like "show apps" or "hide apps" in AC and my apps come on or off as I like. The most important one is "Reset Rift View" which I setup to re-center the view for me, but I sometimes bind common buttons like "press escape" or "press enter". The only buttons I need to find are my push-to-talk for teamspeak, flappy paddles and shifter.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by renesis37 »

Anybody had the tilt issue?

Seems common, mine has it. I have emailed support for the utility to recalibrate the IMU. Does anyone here have it?
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

I think I have it a little bit. I had a couple people over to try it and we noticed the mirror view looks tilted about 5 degrees when people had their head upright. Nobody felt anything was wrong when using it though, so we couldn't figure it out.

Maybe there's an amount that the brain can compensate for before it becomes noticeable.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by renesis37 »

This is how bad it is, that was flat with a level. I have to rotate it with the camera tool in iRacing.

I will see how oculus handle it, they have responded to emails very fast so far. The internet says you get a secret calibration program to adjust it but they tell you not to give it to anyone :bigthumb:
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Cursed »

I had good experiences with their support folks when one of their software releases messed up USB3 connectivity for a bunch of people a few weeks ago.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by renesis37 »

So they have sent me a fix with the IMU calibration program. It might be worth checking your calibration with a level. It appears to be a design flaw.

"Our team has a calibration tool to help with the tilted screen you've been experiencing.

The tilted screen can occur when your headset is not properly adjusting to the temperature of your environment.

Please use our IMU tool (attached to this email) to calibrate your headset to correct the issue.

Use of this software is subject to the terms found at http://www.oculus.com/terms; please do not share the software with anyone.

Prepare for the calibration:
1. Unplug your headset and leave it unused for at least 60 minutes so the temperature cools down.
2. Create space on your desk for your headset to sit. It should be level.
3. Remove vibrating objects from your desk (such as mobile phones and tablets).

Calibrating your headset:
1. Make sure the Oculus Software is closed.
2. Plug your headset HDMI and USB cable into your computer.
3. Place your headset upside down on your desk. The headset cannot move at all during the calibration as a single movement will cause the calibration to fail.
4. Open the executable file IMUTempCalibration.exe.
5. Once it starts, let it run until it stops on its own (process can take up to 15 minutes). We strongly recommend you step away for the time being so you don’t accidentally move the headset.

Note any error messages that come up (they will show up in red and they close quickly).

Once the calibration is complete, open Oculus and try again. The image in the headset should no longer be tilted. If it persists please try removing the facial interface to let it lay completely flat and run it again.

Please let me know how it goes and if you experienced any issues with the tool. Thank you for your help!"
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by norbs »

It is a known issue, but dont share the fix!

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Duke »

norbs wrote:It is a known issue, but dont share the fix!

It'll be cause they want you to agree to the terms of use, as in if you fark it up, you're stuffed. :p

norbs diplomacy lesson 101: "If I was putting words in your mouth, you'd know."
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Cursed »

norbs wrote:It is a known issue, but dont share the fix!
There could be any number of reasons for not wanting the software shared around. For one, Oculus would lose visibility of which HMD's appear to have the problem which could help with quality control. Then there's the problems of 'self medication' should the utility have unforeseen impacts - rather than just having to address issues with people who have contacted them and presumably they can track down, they have a runaway problem loose in the community.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Sarsippius »

I notice how they say leave it for 60 minutes so it cools down. It's probably just me worrying about nothing but anyone else notice the hmd is always a touch warm even when it's in standby mode? I'd prefer some way to turn it completely off, I usually put my pc in sleep mode so the rift sits in standby mode 24/7.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Cursed »

I've also noticed the warmth on mine, but I disconnect it when I'm done with it for the day (usually). I connect via a USB and HDMI extension cable so that the ports on the PC don't have to deal with the wear.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by renesis37 »

So the calibration tool didn't fix the issue, I don't think it does anything at all because I purposefully calibrated it at an angle and It was exactly the same.. I think I worked it out though.

For some reason the centre position or what ever you call it was way out from my seating position, this meant when I went into iRacing I had to press the centre HMD button or what ever its called. I found it would centre the screen but also it seemed like I was centred from the wrong position (not sure how to explain it). The way around it is to centre it from the Oculus menu and then the centre HMD button only has to move you down slightly and the screen doesn't tilt. It still seems ever so slightly off but not the 10+ degrees it seemed before. So now I will be pressing the button on the remote to centre from in there each time I load a game.

My other issue of crazy blurryness trying to look at the steering wheel or something else close is actually just a side effect of the lenses.. as you try and focus close your eyes are moving to focus in closer together you are looking into the blurry part of the lens. If you close one eye it is pin sharp in comparison.

Trying to fix the tilt forced me to move to Windows 10.. after some mods and removing all the security crap talking to MS it seems OK. GTX1070 minimum frame rates appears to have gone up 1fps in Valley and Heaven benchmarks :P (I did back to back comparisons).

On with the VR!
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Sarsippius »

Can you use the remote to centre the rift in Oculus home? I couldn't work out how to do it the other day, it seemed the only way was with the Xbox controller which I didn't have handy.

Anyway glad you worked out a fix for your problem.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

Sarsippius wrote:Can you use the remote to centre the rift in Oculus home? I couldn't work out how to do it the other day, it seemed the only way was with the Xbox controller which I didn't have handy.
Yes, push the Oculus logo (11) on the remote and it takes you to the same menu screen as when you press the home button on the controller.

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by renesis37 »

Has anyone noticed that one eye seems to get reflections different to the other in iRacing in some situations? You can sit there and move around and one eye still gets it 100% different to the other. I also think this is part of the issue with why things are blurrier than other titles, each eye is getting lighting or something from a different perspective that doesn't vary as it should when you move around. An exaggerated example is the front straight at Spa night this week of the ProtoGT series. I can replicate it other times in the day as well. I am going to play with some settings to see if the effect can be removed. Currently I am running it all on high as I am yet to run a race so haven't experienced any frame drops.

AC is so much clearer especially for closer items like the interior, I think this has something to do with it.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Sarsippius »

@Darren, this still doesn't seem to allow you to re-centre in Oculus Home, the menu option is greyed out saying it can only be done in apps. My issue is occasionally I go into Oculus Home and it's off centre, this did once cause iRacing to slowly drift. I guess next time it happens I'll try to go into iRacing or an app and use the menu via the remote to try and re-centre.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by renesis37 »

Home doesn't re-centre but it is always centre for me. Maybe you should try to run the calibration again and make sure your sensor can't move? I don't think it should drift though, that may be a hardware fault?

The menu item becomes un-greyed when in a game, another thing I also noticed was I was way too high in the car always and setting it back to the default 5'6" helped that too (it was on 6'1"), it is only a little high now. lol
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

Home and app centering are separate. To recenter Home you have to go through that headset calibration process.

If it were drifting due to a camera issue you would lose movement tracking as well. If that's not happening then maybe you have vibrations causing the camera to shift slightly over time? I mounted mine on the wall so that it's not affected by FFB rumbles or my wobbly desk.

It doesn't have to be centered in Home for iRacing either, or anything else I've tried. My camera is 1/2 way between my cockpit seat and desk chair so that I can use it from either seat without having to move things around and it's centered for the desk position. I have iRacing set to auto center in the rendererdx11.ini (takes effect at the end of track loading or you can hit space while loading to center) and tweak in car with the mapped "Recenter HMD" button if necessary. Assetto also centers when it loads and you can push look left and look right at the same time to recenter while driving.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Sarsippius »

It's not a big problem, I think it's possibly caused by my HMD usually sitting out of sight of the sensor, I've taken to picking it up before first launching the Oculus software.

It was only one time I got drift in iRacing, in Home instead of just being off centre I was basically facing backwards, then in iRacing the drift was very gradual, I didn't even notice at first until doing a lap or two and realising I was looking off to the side.

I was fairly sure I remembered being able to centre within Home in the beginning with the Xbox controller but I'm probably just remembering wrong. It seems Oculus assume you will never be off centre in Home, as you say Darren the only option they give you is to re-calibrate the sensor, till now I've always just rebooted which has fixed it.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Cursed »

That's really odd. Drift should not happen at all, as long as the HMD is within sight of the camera.

Is the cable on the camera under a little stress such that vibrations of your desk from FFB might make the camera move or rotate? That's the most likely thing I can think of that would cause a gradual drift as long as the camera has you in sight. It would only take a tiny amount of movement in the camera for you to get a shifted perspective in your game.

The only other drift I have seen is much more noticeable - when the camera can't see you anymore. In that case your view tends to swim around a bit.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Sarsippius »

My sensor sits on my PC which sits next to my cockpit with no connection between the two. It did surprise me that it happened at all but the only thing I can put it down to was that in Home and then when first going into iRacing the view was totally backwards before I pushed the recentre hmd button on my wheel.

I'm not really concerned about it, the drift happened just the once a while ago but it's what made me want to be able to re-centre within Home as occasionally it will be off centre which I figure is just a glitch that happens because my rift sits on or next to my chair, out of sight of the sensor and pointing perpendicular to head on (because reasons ;) ).
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Cursed »

For NVidia GPU owners - from the Oculus Connect 3 event, they've unveiled Asynchronous Space Warp (ASW). It's some super duper improvement to the Asynchronous Time Warp that they previously used to help in situations where systems had trouble keeping up with the 90fps recommendations. ASW seems to be effective enough that Oculus have published a Minimum PC spec of a GTX960 or greater, whereas the Recommended is a GTX970. There's many reports on reddit of some impressive performance improvements.

How to:


Plus others.

I haven't given it a go yet, but I'd be keen to see improvements in ETS2 and ATS which are DX9 resource hogs.

ATI support is reported as "coming soon". ASW will be a standard feature in a not-too-distant Oculus driver/software release
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DexterPunk »

Glad I went with an nVidia this time :)

Thanks for the update

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Righteous »

Just ordered the touch controllers.

Supposed to ship mid december.... We'll wait and see I guess. They don't charge till they ship so figured I've got nothing to lose.
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