Tamiya Lotus 49 1967 1/12 scale model kit, new, in box

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Tamiya Lotus 49 1967 1/12 scale model kit, new, in box

Post by smithcorp »

G'day chaps - I bought this rare and classic plastic model kit some years ago for a rainy day and now realise it's beyond my modelling skills and I'd only stuff it up (plus I'm just about to cop a half million dollar mortgae and I'm clearing the decks). I'll post it up here for ARSEs to have first crack at it and then I'll put it up on Ebay.

Available to ARSEs for $115 plus postage (or you can pick it up from southern Sydney). Postage is likely to be $15 or more (depends if you want insurance or not).

Box is in good shape (but unsealed), all parts and decals are there and in sealed bags, instructions are in Japanese I think, but you can easily get an English translation (I think I've got one in jpegs that I'll throw in).

It's for sale here until Friday 8 December at 5.30pm, then I'll list on Ebay. These things are rare and very desirable.



PM me with any questions or offers. First buyer to PM me gets it, payment by bank deposit. No Nigerians :)

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Post by Acerlyte »

Awwww geez. Looks in great condition and I would buy it off ya if I could but this time of year doesn't really leave me with much in the way of extra cash unfortunately :(. Should do alright on Ebay though mate, good luck with it :)
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Post by Exar Kun »

Damn dude. I'd love that model. I've got the 1:12 McLaren Mp4/6 sitting in my cupboard waiting to be built. But like Acerlyte says, just a bad time of year. No way I can find the cash. Good luck with it - should hopefully fetch a fair bit on ebay. :tilt:
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