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Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:15 am
by Woodee
I had a go with keyboard... the cars do wacky things when you spin sideways into the gravel.

Only problem graphically so far is that I get a weird shadow effect locally around my car... which stops a few metres around it. Hard to explain without a screenshot.

Other than that it seems ok, not sure my frame rate is stable though.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:53 am
by wobblysauce
Try not to go on the gravel, problem solved.

But yes there are a few, there fixing some issues and finding others as they progress.

Almost 2weeks now since I have had the first build, is it coming along nicely.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:14 am
by thornz
Not bad for a first release.
Graphics are incredible if you can run maxed out in DX11.
For me the main thing stopping me really enjoying it is the steering. It has that kind of vague floaty feel to it, still 100x better than shift, but still just not quite there in my opinion.
Games like iracing, lfs, netkar, you can put the car exactly where you want on the track, but in this I cant quite do that, its not far away, hopefuly a little bit of tweaking can sort this out.

Cars look and sound great, tracks look amazing, and they have just announced they have rights to laser scan some top tracks in Englad which is great.

Very promising I think considering its a first stage release and still loads of things to come.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:43 am
by Exar Kun
The graphics are absolutely amazing. But I agree with thornz on the steering issue. It's not quite right. Still a shit-ton of optimising to do considering the game has another year until release so plenty of time to get things right.

OT - by the way thornz, did I ever mention I found the full clip that your avatar pic is from a few months back? NSFW :D Wouldn't have a chance of finding it again however.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:45 am
by ysu
Exar Kun wrote:The graphics are absolutely amazing. But I agree with thornz on the steering issue. It's not quite right. Still a shit-ton of optimising to do considering the game has another year until release so plenty of time to get things right.

OT - by the way thornz, did I ever mention I found the full clip that your avatar pic is from a few months back? NSFW :D Wouldn't have a chance of finding it again however.
You should have posted it. It's selfish not to :)

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:52 am
by thornz
Just search your favourite video site for Simi, or Arwynn, she has quite a few :yummy:

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:02 am
by Woodee
I think these games (Including NFS Shift) have suffered from floaty steering... due to the graphics making it lag. Seems the frame rate is linked to the steering input... at least that is what it seems like, could be wrong.

Looks and sounds pretty though :)

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:06 am
by Dr. Pain
I'm running the same profiler settings as iracing for this title on my g25. I found that by halving the FFB in game made it steer so much better. iRacing tracks in this would be great. Lotus T86 around Suzuka would be yummy :yummy:

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:55 am
by wobblysauce
The main Graphics lag issues it that people want it to look nice and turn up all the settings, the result is expected. Grid for example lower your resolution and there you go no lag.

There are quite a few steering settings on the forum, the one I using was from there and it works fine.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:15 am
by Dr. Pain
I found the wheel settings. Mine are pretty much the same just a couple of tweaks I'm not using so I'll try them.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:43 pm
by ysu
ok I could not resist and bought it. It looks indeed just fantastic. I don't feel the car too well, but it does not seem to be too bad for a wip.
It has less bugs than any other sim at release, LOL :)

Oh, if you leave the vsync on (it's ON by default!!!) it ruins the frame rate and the controls IMHO.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:37 pm
So what are everyones thoughts in comparison to other sims? Obviously its a very early build with a year left to release the final product, but hopefully there is enough to form a picture.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:47 pm
by thornz
After a bit more fiddling I have managed to get my Momo wheel working really well, have completely removed the floaty feel and can put the car exactly as I want it. Really starting to get a feel for it now. Its still not a lfs/netkar/iracing in terms of handling pyshics, but is feeling good for a fun game that actually drives well at this stage, would put it at probably 80% to being a full blown sim in terms of difficulty.

However my pet peeve is there needs to be individual settings for each car, as what works perfectly for the Formula B car, is terrible in the old lotus for example. I really cant be arsed changing my setting every time I want to drive a different car.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:49 pm
by thornz
VIPEROSI wrote:So what are everyones thoughts in comparison to other sims? Obviously its a very early build with a year left to release the final product, but hopefully there is enough to form a picture.
Definitly a heap of promise. Its an pre alpha build at the moment, and already feels pretty bloody good. Its definitly not a full blown sim at this stage, but as in my above post is at that level that is good to pick up and play without having to spend hours just to get one clean lap in.

Am very excited for the future of this project for sure.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:00 pm
by Woodee
thornz wrote:After a bit more fiddling I have managed to get my Momo wheel working really well, have completely removed the floaty feel and can put the car exactly as I want it. Really starting to get a feel for it now. Its still not a lfs/netkar/iracing in terms of handling pyshics, but is feeling good for a fun game that actually drives well at this stage, would put it at probably 80% to being a full blown sim in terms of difficulty.

However my pet peeve is there needs to be individual settings for each car, as what works perfectly for the Formula B car, is terrible in the old lotus for example. I really cant be arsed changing my setting every time I want to drive a different car.
remember to post your pet peeve in their forum... that is what we have paid for after all :)

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:02 pm
by ysu
To me it drives a bit weird, the cars are very nervous yet they aren't as hard to keep straight as for eg. iRacing is. (so it's less tail happy)
Which is a good thing - similar to nkP & GTL (and yet different).

Is it a full-blown sim? Not sure, I think it is. It does not feel wrong. But it certainly feels very different.

What's amazing is that I'm yet to encounter a bug. Fark me there are full v2.456 releases which have more bugs.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:27 pm
by Woodee
ysu wrote:What's amazing is that I'm yet to encounter a bug. Fark me there are full v2.456 releases which have more bugs.
Remember... there aren't a lot of features to have the bugs in yet! :)

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:56 pm
by wobblysauce
So what this is the A.R.S.E.C.A.R.S. development topic.


Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:31 pm
by NeilPearson
wobblysauce wrote:So what this is the A.R.S.E.C.A.R.S. development topic.


No its the C.A.R.S Topic.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:38 pm
by Dr. Pain
Only car I have trouble keeping straight is the F86 (Lotus 98T). 4.8 bar of boost kicks in and yee haw!

It feels like a simcade game to me. I guess it's because I played Shift 2 so associate the graphic with it in a way. I really like the F77 (Lotus 79) as it feels right. Feels balanced between grip and power and gives some nice feedback. The game feels closer to F1 2011 than iRacing for me but there's real potential in it. Worth the $14 to try it anyway :yes:

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:01 am
by wobblysauce
Pain.. I have to agree.. that Boost is so much fun.. yet I am better with that car than any others I think.

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:16 am
by Dr. Pain
Having turbo's does have me dreaming of a Porsche 956 :vibes:

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:54 am
by Bauer
got it.

was the most painful download in a while. the bugger just didnt seem to want to finish properly. Anyway, I like it. I find it reminds me of rFactor in the steering but a few years of iRacing may have spoiled me a bit cos I didnt mind rF back then and this will grow on me im sure. good fun so far.

Simmy - yes. Arcadey - yes. But that is probably what suits me anyway :)

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:23 pm
by ysu
Here's a challenge, gents.
I think the F68 cromvell V8 is a crazy crazy car so I set moderately nice lap around Bologna with it; 1:44.231
beat it! :)

Re: C.A.R.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:24 pm
by Shaun
downloading it now, looking forward to having a crack