S5000 - 2019

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Re: S5000 - 2019

Post by Bauer »

I was so into this as a category but it never filled my boots. I was wowed when I first saw them but the quality and quantity just wasn’t there. It could have been much more and then some. I was expecting big teams to take this on but I’m not the least bit surprised in this outcome and it’s not all licensing for sure.
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Re: S5000 - 2019

Post by nutty »

I think it was just bad timing, a bad market which kinda snowballed into low grid counts, bad tv schedule and therefor a dead series.

I think it all starts with the calendar, Speedseries/ARG taking the cash and going for for Stan, which while by all accounts is a good product.. the fact it needed normal Stan sub, turned a lot of people (myself included) away.. especially in tough times for many.

So you then try and chuck them on supercars calendars with Bend/Adelaide.. which means your trying to use those two events (the Bend which had like 50,000 viewers on fox and no FTA, and that left Adelaide as the only real marquee event for them) to drive eyeballs to the product. That lack of eyeballs means if your an established team do you put a bunch of money in when it would be hard to raise sponsor money, so your kinda hoping on kids funding drives.

Which lets face it was never going to happen. The high horsepower open wheeler isn’t a path to anything for the kids/parents funding it, while ARG might blame that licence stopped you going S5000>Supercars, lets face it, does it make sense to fund your kid in a bespoke once off high horse power open wheeler? How good would you need to be to go from S5000>Supercars, and would you really learn anything going S5000>Over to Europe to F3?

Maybe someone can help me out, but I cant think of many high level regional open wheeler series, Japan with Super Formula and Indy/Lights in the US is all I can think of.. Everyone else is F4 or F3

You all know I fucking hate the current state of Supercars. The calendar is one of my my biggest gripes. But end of the day Supercars and arg need to work together to build a calendar that works for both, rotate the different series between FTA/Fox and hopefully we improve the other series before we scare all the sponsors off.
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