ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

Dirty Weekend 2016 done and dusted. It was a bit of a wild ride, but all things considered, it was a pretty awesome event to take part in.

Miss V and I were joined by one ex colleague (Anthony) who has previously done a bit of mountain bike racing in Alice Springs, and a current colleague (Meg) who has done a bit of mountain biking, but no racing. Then of course, Miss V and I are relative newbies when it comes to mountain biking, let alone mountain bike racing. So we were throwing ourselves in at the deep end. We had no illusions of finishing up the standings, but were pretty happy just to be having a go.
Our first laps went pretty well, with the course being pretty dry and relatively quick. Fresh legs probably helped too. Our second rotation was reasonably smooth as well, with everyone's lap times a bit slower, likely due to the slightly damp course and legs a bit more tired. Our only bike issue occurred in this rotation with Miss V scoring a pinch flat. About this time there was talk of sitting out the night, in light of the weather forecast not being very favourable.
A bit of a plan was formulated to finish the second rotation, Then Anthony and I each do another lap each, making 10 laps total. We sleep the night and then Meg starts bright and early for us to continue. Seemed like a plan.

So the second rotation finished and Anthony headed out for his last lap of the night. During his lap the weather started to turn a bit. Despite this, I suited up and waited my turn, watching the rain come and go. Mostly light stuff, but it was reasonably constant. As Anthony entered the timing tent and I went to meet him in the transition area there was no rain at all. Sweet. He gave me the heads up that things were starting to get a bit slippery, but it was generally ok to ride. Off I headed for my last lap of the night.

Probably not more than 1 minute into the lap the heavens opened and it started pissing down. Fantastic. :/ I struggled. Hard. I had so many near misses, slides and off trail excursions that my confidence was being sapped away faster than I would have liked. I was not only outside my comfort zone, but I knew I was well out of my depth skill-wise and was somewhat concerned about my ability to finish the lap unscathed. Fortunately, I eventually finished the lap. I was much slower than i expected and only had another 15 minutes of power left in my headlight. I limped back to camp, resolved to not ride the next day until the conditions had dried a bit more.
I barely slept, but jumped out of bed when i realised that Meg was due to ride at 5am. I meant to tell her about the course conditions, but was too late and she'd already headed out. We decided that we'd sit out for a while once she got back and see how things played out. None of us wanted to get injured! Meg came back unscathed, but her assessment of the course pretty much backed up our thoughts on sitting out for a bit. Just before 8am Anthony decided the time was right to head out for another lap. Course still wet, but improving.

Miss V and I were content to sit out a bit longer.

With about 2 hours to go I decided to head out for another lap, with Miss V deciding she'd follow, if my course report was favourable. So off I went. The trail was mostly dry, though tree roots in areas with dense canopy cover were still a bit slippery. That said, I could now ride everything. Confidence was coming back! :D I arrived back to the transition area to see Miss V waiting. Go! Go! Go! and so she was gone on Team Educated Guesswork's final lap of the race.

The clock ticked past 24 hours and I watched as riders trickled in. Miss V came through and looked like she'd enjoyed that last lap.
14 laps total for the team, last place in the category by a mere 3 minutes or so behind second last.

Strava for each of my laps. A surprising number of PRs!

CLP Lap 1
CLP Lap 2
CLP Lap 3
CLP Lap 4
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

KNAPPO wrote:Great work CLP.

One thing I was wondering over the weekend. How were people charging up their lights during the night, I gather people were allowed to use generators in camp?
Cheers :)

generators are allowed in camp up until 11pm. They also have a charging station in the main marquee where you can just plug in your light/charger and leave it there. The other option is to have multiple battery packs ready to go and just swap them out.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by markus »

7.5.2015 JPH-Fysio Tempo, 20 km

First race of the Masters cup. The list of participants was so thin that I knew beforehand that if I don't puncture I'll win my category. So I decided to concentrate 100% on my position and not bother too much about the watts or line or anything else with the result that I pushed 2 watts less than last year (and I'm more fit this year than last) but my time was almost a minute and a half better...Ok, last year I didn't have the über Zipp disc but I don't think it will account to 90 seconds against an 80mm rear wheel.

Won my age group, fastest guy of the day was 2 minutes faster :)

Race data here
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

markus wrote:7.5.2015 JPH-Fysio Tempo, 20 km

First race of the Masters cup. The list of participants was so thin that I knew beforehand that if I don't puncture I'll win my category. So I decided to concentrate 100% on my position and not bother too much about the watts or line or anything else with the result that I pushed 2 watts less than last year (and I'm more fit this year than last) but my time was almost a minute and a half better...Ok, last year I didn't have the über Zipp disc but I don't think it will account to 90 seconds against an 80mm rear wheel.

Won my age group, fastest guy of the day was 2 minutes faster :)

Race data here
Nice work! :D
how about weather conditions? were they maybe more favourable for a fast time?
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by markus »

CLP wrote:
markus wrote:7.5.2015 JPH-Fysio Tempo, 20 km

First race of the Masters cup. The list of participants was so thin that I knew beforehand that if I don't puncture I'll win my category. So I decided to concentrate 100% on my position and not bother too much about the watts or line or anything else with the result that I pushed 2 watts less than last year (and I'm more fit this year than last) but my time was almost a minute and a half better...Ok, last year I didn't have the über Zipp disc but I don't think it will account to 90 seconds against an 80mm rear wheel.

Won my age group, fastest guy of the day was 2 minutes faster :)

Race data here
Nice work! :D
how about weather conditions? were they maybe more favourable for a fast time?
Wind was pretty similar but last year it was miserably cold so yeah, the times were generally better this year. I can give 30 seconds for the Zipp disc and another 30 secs for the weather - but still, that leaves for 30 free seconds just by better posture - so entirely free seconds -:) I think I'll book some velodrome time...
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by markus »

14.7.2016 Mustion tempo, 50km

The classic. Longest tt race. Pissing with rain and 12C, luckily the wind was pretty much non-existent. Another position exercise (I was 2 minutes ahead of the 2nd fastest in my category at the turn-in point and I usually have a strong 2nd leg so knew he would not catch me unless I puncture) and another win. Fastest time of the day was 7 minutes faster. 2nd fastest 5 minutes. I was maybe 10-15 watts down on the way back, but that's speculation, today that was about the best I could do and that's that.

Race data here

Really hope there will be pictures as rain usually makes cycling pictures pretty epic :)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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markus wrote: Race data here
You're a frickin' machine! :yes: nice work :)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by norbs »

CLP wrote:
markus wrote: Race data here
You're a frickin' machine! :yes: nice work :)

I agree. If he ever comes to Australia, Im not riding with him. ;)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

First round of the Winter CX Series was held yesterday. Dry conditions expected, which was the case for my race, but later races weren't so lucky with the rain coming in a bit earlier than expected and covering the event with a constant mist of rain.

Absolutely massive event for the Port Adelaide CC, with over 200 entries across the the grades. So much for those in other clubs claiming CX is just a fad :P

Only 2 days prior to the race I put my CX bike back together after the whole derailleur-in-spokes incident, which meant I didn't have a lot of CX bike time prior to the event. That said, I've been doing much more mountain biking which i find uses the same(-ish) skill set. I was also recovering from a cold, so I wasn't sure how the body would hold up.

I lined up in C-grade and went with the group off the start; until a large stick wedged itself into my front wheel. FFS. Stopped to remove it as I watched the field go past including all the youngsters in the junior race. Busted a gut to get past the juniors (without running into them!) and then reattach myself to the back of the C-grade field. I worked my way back up to the part of the field where all my usual competitors were hanging out, and stayed about there for the rest of the race. I had a few pretty good tussles, including a neat passing move down the inside of one guy which forced him out onto the slippery part of the course forcing him to dismount :D 'cross is awesome :D

Finished 18th out of 27. Not bad, but i reckon I could have done better.

My next race is the State Time Trial Championships in 2 weeks which I'm about as unprepared for as you could ever get. Not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not. I figure I have a TT bike now so I should probably use it ;)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

Double header of racing this weekend.

On the Saturday I had the State Masters Time Trial Championships.
This signalled the first time i'd be using my TT bike in anger.

Initially things weren't going too well when my bike failed scrutineering. :( I made an adjustment, and it was deemed "close enough", though technically still not legal.
The course for this year was different to the last 3 years that I'd entered, which was a little annoying as i didn't have any benchmark to see whether the new bike was making a difference. This years course was basically rolling hills rather than nearly dead flat roads. I'm not sure just yet, but i assume I came last in my age group. I had fun though, and it was an interesting experience on the TT bike :) When i got home I did a bit of reading and realised that the issues i had in scrutineering were due to me misreading something. I'll have to fix that :)
Second race of the weekend was the Second round of the local CX series.
Due to a clash of schedules, I had to ride to the event, which was no real drama until it started raining :/ So i was standing around freezing and shivering in soaked clothes pre race which was no fun. The course was wet, muddy and slippery and a lot of fun. :D In the scheme of things, I think i could have done better, but I'm not sure if I was struggling with dead legs from yesterdays TT late in the race.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by markus »

CLP wrote:Double header of racing this weekend.

On the Saturday I had the State Masters Time Trial Championships.
This signalled the first time i'd be using my TT bike in anger.

Initially things weren't going too well when by bike failed scrutineering. :( I made an adjustment, and it was deemed "close enough", though technically still not legal.
The course for this year was different to the last 3 years that I'd entered, which was a little annoying as i didn't any benchmark to see whether the new bike was making a difference. This years course was basically rolling hills rather than nearly dead flat roads. I'm not sure just yet, but i assume I came last in my age group. I had fun though, and it was an interesting experience on the TT bike :) When i got home I did a bit of reading and realised that the issues i had in scrutineering were due to me misreading something. I'll have to fix that :)
Some unsolicited and possibly unwanted advice based on the picture (and assuming you race according to the UCI regulations), but here goes :)

I would:
- lower the saddle by 1-2 cm, possibly even more
- make sure the saddle is 5cm behind the bottom bracket, now it looks pretty far back (or if it is indeed 5 cm from the bb, you'll need to sit more towards the nose)
- shrug the head, now it's sticking up in the air
- get a pointy hat

Also your hands look to be pretty far apart from each other, it could be faster to have them touching.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Ilpon tempo 5.6

30km. Gusting sidewinds, you'd occasionally see the bike suddenly move sideways by a meter or more. Which was interesting. This time my age group was combined with the youngsters (who were born 5 years earlier). I managed to do ok in the wind, power and hr were down from my usual but it seems that I laid down the watts when it mattered and came in 2nd and fastest in my age group so full points for the overall cup. Time was good enough to just miss the top-10 in the elites had I raced in that category.

race data: here
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

markus wrote:
Some unsolicited and possibly unwanted advice based on the picture (and assuming you race according to the UCI regulations), but here goes :)

I would:
- lower the saddle by 1-2 cm, possibly even more
- make sure the saddle is 5cm behind the bottom bracket, now it looks pretty far back (or if it is indeed 5 cm from the bb, you'll need to sit more towards the nose)
- shrug the head, now it's sticking up in the air
- get a pointy hat

Also your hands look to be pretty far apart from each other, it could be faster to have them touching.
Unsolicited, sure.. helpful, yes :) And yes, we follow UCI regulations.

I think the saddle height is about right for me. I had it about 1cm lower earlier in the week and I don't think I was getting full leg extension when I was testing on the trainer and was getting a bit of knee pain. Probably because I tend to ride toes-down a bit too.

The saddle tip position is (approx.) in line with the BB axis. Once again, That's in part due to being a short-arse, and partly because I'm not as flexible as I'd like to be :P I plan to experiment with that aspect though since that was one of the things that I fell foul of during scrutineering. (saddle within 5cm *and* extensions more than 75cm from the BB.. I'm a bad person :( ) I think I generally sit back in the saddle, so that's maybe why it looks further back than it is. Also this photo was taken very early in the event, heading up a small rise, so I was *probably* sitting further back than I was later in the race.. maybe.

I think the hands are relatively close, but it's more the elbows that are wide. Not sure how much adjustment I have on those bars to get narrower, but I think I can work on that. To be brutally honest though, if I wanted to be more aero, I should probably concentrate on eating less pizza :D Mmmm pizza...

I'm going to have to look into bike position in general, since I know there's a bunch of things to refine. Much of this was about taking my current road bike position and trying to make it work in a TT setting.

Thanks for your feedback :)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by markus »

We had a photographer at our weekly tt event some weeks ago


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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by DarrenM »

markus wrote:- get a pointy hat
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

For the Adelaide peoples, CX tomorrow (24th July), no pointy hat required.
Looks like it's going to dump down, so it'll be a muddy one. Post race bike washing volunteers appreciated ;)

Park 24 aka "Not the Circus", racing starts at 10am; come along and make some noise.. maybe dress up and give the Make Cross Weird guys a run for their money (see photo) ;)
Also coming up is the National Series round and the National CX Championships (August 20-21) at Zombie Park for those that want to see the big guns of Aussie CX in action.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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PACC CX Crossfire Cup - Round 3

We'd had a bit of rain over the last few days, and there was plenty more forecast for race day. Park 24 seems to host it's fair share of ultra muddy events and this was no exception.

The day started a bit different with PACC trialling a new electronic sign-on system coupled to a new timing system developed by PACC members.. clever people. :) Everything seemed to run nice and smoothly, and the results were up super quickly after the race. Successful test! :)

Things were pretty damn cold in Adelaide on Sunday morning; coupled with the heavy rain and strong winds there were a bunch of racers standing around shivering for a lot of the time! I did two laps in warm up to recon the course then tried to stay warm until my race. Not really that easy though!

Come race time, C grade looked to be fairly full, but missing a few familiar faces. Everyone was keen to get going just so we'd warm up! the sprint from the start to the first corner yielded our first surprise.. the small water crossing we'd seen in warm up had become more like a pond after the pre-race rains.

Much of the race I was running with a few others, trading places and generally having a decent race. Race finish involved a 3 way sprint finish, where I came out 2nd, 12th place overall. The course was so much fun.. muddy awesome fun :) though there was one bit that I just couldn't get right. I think these photos tell the story. See if you can spot the flaw in my technique. :D

I had a GoPro mounted in the hope that it'd capture some epic footage.. this is a shot after the first lap
I don't think i'll bother processing the video :D

Strava stuff:
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by markus »

13.8.2016 National masters itt championships

Weather was your typical Finnish summer once again. This time it meant pouring rain and 6.5 m/s wind with gusts up to 15 m/s so obviously I used a disc wheel and a 3-spoke. Despite the risky wheel choice I managed to stay up, there were a couple of hairy moments though - a huge gust just picked my bike and I have no idea how I didn't crash.. the guys in my follow car were certain that I'd hit the deck. Then at the turn-in point the back wheel locked the instant I touched the brakes so I took it somewhat sideways :)

Hr monitor refused to work and all the droplets meant that I couldn't really see my wattage either but I guess the weather was the same for everyone. 4th place could've been reached with a really really good race, today the best I could was 7th.

Race data here

And view from the team car:

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

CX State Masters Championships 2016

Bumper field for the State Champs, including a massive womens field. CX in Adelaide seems to be going from strength to strength. The venue was the ever popular Mulch Hill circuit, taking in 3 climbs of the hill. Weather was perfect.

i lined up in Masters 3 which, as seems usual, had the biggest entry list of all the Masters categories. As a lowly C grader on a good day, racing against A grade riders that are the same age as me doesn't exactly guarantee me a podium spot. That said, if I did these races with the expectation of winning, then i wouldn't enter anything! :P

The group took off and I hung onto the tail of the group for a while until I was unhitched, as expected. I picked up a few other riders and we had a 3 way race. Stupid me was thinking that we were all in separate age categories, though it turns out that the guy that finished immediately ahead might have been in the same group as me. Never mind, 3rd last or 4th last doesn't really matter that much :)

Despite being at the back of the field, I think the extra riding on the trainer is paying off, with extra power and endurance. I rode most of the lap in the big chain ring which is a bit unusual for me. Still a lot of work to do though, but i think I (and Miss V) have found a bunch of motivation to train :)

National CX Championships and National CX Series next weekend, which promises to be an epic weekend of CX racing. Adelaide people, if you're looking for entertainment, head to Zombie park (Park 23), grab a beer from the Beer Porter, grab something to eat and watch other people suffer :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by norbs »

Are virtual races allowed? :)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by KNAPPO »

CLP wrote:I think the extra riding on the trainer is paying off, with extra power and endurance.
Great work Carl.

I think you are right about the trainer time. Before I would feel knackered after 15-20kms on the trails, now im doing 30-35k trail rides and still feel like going, as long as I dont squish my banana.


Last night I covered off every trail in Cobblers and the only thing stopping me were the batteries on the bar & helmet lights... I turned them off on my final climb to ensure they wouldnt go out on the Erzberg descent. Didnt feel like being blind on an ave grade of -16% lol.

Back on the trainer tonight for me, im looking after all 3 boys while Bec is at TAFE so once they are asleep ill go for an easy spin to keep the legs turning.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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norbs wrote:Are virtual races allowed? :)
LOL.. it's your forum, you set the rules Mr Dictator! ;)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Completely forgot to post about the CX Nationals weekend in Adelaide on the 20th and 20st of this month :)

As predicted, I sucked :D The end :)

So we had both the Australian National CX Championship and the final round of the CX National Series in Adelaide last week. Both were held at the popular Zombie park. With Green and Gold jerseys on the line on Saturday, lots of top level riders came out to play which made for some awesome racing.

Naturally though, i wasn't racing against those guys and was racing in my age category. Unfortunately, what this means is that I'm racing against regular A grade racers. So it was just a matter of how soon i get spat out the back. Answer to the question is "very quickly!" :aussie: That said, I'm racing for fun and these races have a tonne of atmosphere. :nod: there had been a bucketload of rain in the days leading up to these races, which meant that the ground was very soft, and got chewed up pretty quickly turing some parts into a bog.

For whatever reason, Saturday (National Championships) just didn't happen for me. Never felt completely right on the bike, and got bogged on the first lap in the mud :rolleyes: . So any aspirations i might have had of hanging onto someones wheel were gone within minutes. That said, I still pushed hard the entire race. You never know what trouble someone might have :D Not entirely unexpectedly, I got lapped.

The race on Sunday (CX National Series Round 5) was run on a much the same course as the Saturday, except in reverse and with a couple of small tweaks. For whatever reason, this course suited me a lot better and i felt way more comfortable. I was still spat out the back of the pack early on, but at least i felt good while it was happening :) Once again, I was lapped. Nevertheless, I think i deserved my beer at the end of this weekend :)

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by markus »

Road trip to Poland (1300km one way).

The first UCI masters world championships qualifier event for 2017.

Long story short; achievement unlocked. Proper race report hopefully tomorrow :)

Strava bits and bobs: tt and road

Good luck to CLP doing Amy's granfondo... hope to see you in Albi 2017 (seeing that it's a qualifying event) ;)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by Gizmo »

Well for those who are my friends on Facebook, you would have seen that I've been doing a lot of Cycling of late.

Last weekend was the QLD Road Race State Titles. 97km and the field was racing for the last 3km. Not being a sprinter I'm a big fan of the break aways however the back just wouldn't let anyone get away, espically the guys they knew could hold it. I tried to race for the final 1km as you had a sharp left turn then a long downhill in the wet. From the bottom of the hill it was about 350m to the line. I made sure I was first around the sharp turn and to the bottom of the hill, from there I let it rip hoping I could hold off on a longer sprint. I ended up with 10th overall (MAS1, 2 and 3) and got 2nd in my category, Masters 1. I was pretty happy with that.

Since late April I've been getting coached by Podium Life Coaching and training a lot with their team. I'm lucky enough to be one of the few non team riders who gets to train with the team :) The training is intense and hard however boy do the results show. I'm doing my first batch of power testing since starting the program this week and so far I've smashed all my old benchmarks!

The goal now is to really get some hard training together to hit next season in great form and hopefully get a spot on the team for the Queensland Road Teams Series.
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