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Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:15 am
by Doso
also been playig the beta and it does feel pretty good except as you would expect full off bugs :( (I mean its got more bugs than I would expect for a late in development Beta) but I guess anyone fimilar with the battlefield series would know that any battlefield game doesn't actually get finished till 1 year after release!

this game is an absolute monster graphicaly being one of the first massive main stream games that does not support dx9 (sorry winXP users!)

my current PC can play it at good fps @ 1920x1200 on high/ultra settings but if I try 5760x1200 eyefinity (got use to this in all my other fps/racing games) on medium it drops to 30-40 fps but it does look nice!

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:29 am
by ysu
What gfx card config are you running?

I guess you haven't tried RO2 when it came out, have you? It's still buggy but it was a total wreck out of beta :)

Re: Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:06 am
by Doso
ysu wrote:What gfx card config are you running?

I guess you haven't tried RO2 when it came out, have you? It's still buggy but it was a total wreck out of beta :)
I7 930 & ati 6990

So not exactly a slow pc, I may have to get a second 6990 to run quad fire to get it running 100% at 5760x1200.

I have tried ro2 and to be honest.I played it for a hour and the amount of bugs was crazy wasted 50 bucks :-(

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:46 am
by kwijibo
I played a little bit of the beta - I am too impatient for these sorts of games. I go for a run and get sniped from 100 metres away every time lol

Re: Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:32 am
by Doso
kwijibo wrote:I played a little bit of the beta - I am too impatient for these sorts of games. I go for a run and get sniped from 100 metres away every time lol
There is a bug with the pkv and hitting a running player causing too much damage. The best tactic is not too run in a straight line and use the environment to your advantage

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:17 pm
by JTM29
Oh My God.........

A week until release and my Graphics card fan just gave up the go.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:13 pm
by ysu
JTM29 wrote:Oh My God.........

A week until release and my Graphics card fan just gave up the go.
that's a good thing, silly, now you can buy a much stronger, new card!

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:19 pm
by NeilPearson
or just replace the fan with an aftermarket one ;)

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:53 pm
by JTM29
Its a gtx580 so can't get much stronger :P

Going to buy another one tomorrow then fix this one and go SLI :P

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:25 pm
by JTM29
Grrr, no where in Brisbane had another 580gtx in stock for me so I am still waiting on one. Sent the old one back, now I am left with this 450gts I grabbed out of our other PC. Hardly plays it smooth enough to be competitive online and I want to wait to play the campaign on Ultra.

So I have BF3 installed ready to go, a free 3 day weekend, and I can't play it! :(

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:19 pm
by Righteous
I've got a shiny new GTX590 in my case for this game. Only problem is I still can't run it on ultra. My monitors native res is 2560x1440 so it struggles to play it smoothly. As soon as I drop it back to 1920x1080/1200 it's fine but then it's small on my screen :(

Can't decide if I prefer playing full screen on high, or slighty smaller screen but with ultra settings.

Regardless am loving the game. It's a pretty amazing leap in terms of graphics.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:24 pm
by Rots
This browser shit is shitting me to the shitter. Grrr... getting a bug also where the trigger button is jammed and you can't stop unless you quit. FUCKEN ANNOYING!

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:34 pm
by Rots
FFFSSS that bug happens all the time.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:42 pm
by r8response
Do you have a wheel, joystick or a set of pedals plugged in?

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:53 pm
by Rots
Yeah joystick for planes AKA BF2.

Fuck me up to CTD x 3 now also.

Seriously not impressed at all. It feels like an expansion to Bad Company 2.


I removed JS key bindings from infantry controls, maybe that will fix it.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:20 am
by wobblysauce
What no talk of the Stores selling the game early.. and the other stores following suit.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:37 am
by Rots
Didn't worry me as I wasn't aware of that until I asked my local Game retailer yesterday morning how the mid night launch went. He said that fizzled due to the game being sold earlier elsewhere.

Anyway, the game graphically is brilliant although very over the top with the bloom/HDR which I will tweak the settings to later. My GF card allows me to run everything at High settings, I'd love to get a better card to run it at Ultra settings. The improvements to the destructible environments over Bad Company 2 is mind blowing good, although some of the tree movements look very rubbery and comical.

My biggest gripe is that this is more of a sequel to Bad Company 2 with minimal connection to BF2. My biggest annoyance with Bad Company 2 was having to unlock secondary weapons for vehicles and then not being able to use more than 1 at a time. You can't have a secondary machine gun and smoke screen at the same time, which is stupid and not logical in war. BF3 continues this dumb idea and then applies it to the aircraft... great, so lets send a pilot to war with just a machine gun, no missiles or flares... yeah that's smart. This sort of crap was absent from BF2, other than weapon unlocks. Weapon unlocks and upgrades I don't mind at all, but limiting the armory of heavy armour and aircraft is just pathetic in my books. At rank 1 I am seriously outranked by a rank 10 player in aircraft, despite being able to fly half decent. Not being able to get a missile lock or fire flares when he got a missile lock on me was pissing me off something chronic.

In aircraft I want to be beaten by someone that has a better flying skill, not because I'm limited by my choice of weaponry both offensive and defensive.

BF2 for me was a hybrid between Operation Flashpoint realism and Call of Duty arcade game play. It wasn't over the top realistic (I only play Battlefield games in "Hardcore"), but not over the top arcade. The balance was good enough for me to spend nearly 650 hours playing over 5 years and compete in several ranked Scrims. BF3 so far just isn't what I was expecting (it's more Bad Company 2 than its heritage) but I will give it more time and no doubt probably put a good 100+ hours into it over the next year or so.

I haven't played all the maps yet and only very small way into the Campaign (not really interested, it's very COD styled). But the maps I've seen so far were interesting and had good surprises. It's good they included the Rush mode from Bad Company 2 and not just Conquest, as I like to play both.

Edit: In summary and bit of a cliché, the game is clearly targeted at the console market and not PC gamer. Perhaps I should purchase Red Orchastra 2? :)

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:36 am
by Shonky
Thanks for the review Rots, you just confirmed what I hoped wasn't the case, bfbc2 did nothing for me, for a casual player like myself, I don't have the time to unlock all the bits, it just seems like crap added to give console players some stupid goal so I might just give this a miss for the time being.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:42 am
by Rots
It should be called Bad Company 3. :D

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:12 am
by DexterPunk
damn it! not that I hated BC2, but it just didn't float my boat like BF2 did. And from your review it sound like the stuff that you liked about BF2 is probably why I loved it too. BF2 was about team work, and BC2 I somehow felt that was lacking a bit. Squads were less integral in the success of the side. Sounds like something I wont play for years on end like I did with BF2.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:44 am
by Rots
There are Squads again and Squad Leaders but no Commander role. :(

I haven't noticed if the Squad Leader gets any benefits or anything yet. You do get more points for being in Squad (similar to how BC2 increased points for just being in a Squad) and you even get 10 points if your squad mates spawn on you.

Actually the whoe point scoring system is the basically the same as BC2 but with a few extra things being awarded points. Even the end of round is the same (different screen) in the sense it lists your ribbons/medals earned etc.

Like I said before, this truely is a sequel to Bad Company 2 and not BF2 as I remember it. The only similarity is that the maps are bigger like in BF2 and there are flyable aircraft in addition to just helicopters (with limitations however). Oh another new feature is the tanks have a "boost" button same as holding down sprint... The army has gone all Fast n Furious!

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:15 pm
by Rots
Heres a good post from another forum about BF3:
Cheeseman wrote:While the engine and graphics are amazing in Battlefield 3, almost all the game features are either missing or lacking compared to Battlefield 2. To name a few:

•You can't make custom squads rather you're given a couple of prefabricated/arranged squads to jump into. This is troublesome for real team gameplay, because the squads have almost no value. You can't make a specific asset or clan squad and you can't choose who the squad leader is because random people are always occupying a squad. This is a huge downgrade from BF2 where you could make your own squads and decide who you want the squad leader to be.

•No true team play system. Basically there is no squad management screen giving the player an appropriate map or tools to issue orders. You're stuck aiming at large IN YOUR FACE icons for each objective displayed in your 3D HUD and abusing the Q button to give automatic orders to either attack or defend (depending on the status of the flag/objective). This is a true downgrade from BF2 where you had a big detailed map you could easily point and place specific orders of your choice anywhere on the map for all your squad-mates to see.

•Ow yea, you can't disable the 3D HUD using Alt, so you always have tons of large notifications in your face (promoting ADD?).

•You can now spawn on everybody in your squad (YAY!) which is again a step backwards against true squad play. In BF2 you only spawned on your squad leader which meant that you usually ended up being where he was. This made the squad leader more distinguishable lending him some responsibility to survive and manage the squad. Now people just spawn on one another much like any other spawn point and go around lone wolfing.

•Much like the Bad Company series the voice over IP is abandoned and useless. The present system of integration into Battlelog sucks and people are way too busy running around doing their own thing, specially since the game lacks many of BF2's team aspects to encourage communication.

•No commander which wouldn't be a big deal if they had a proper squad management system.

•All vehicles have unlimited ammo and automatically regenerate health. With the exception of burst and overheating, all the vehicles have unlimited ammo that never runs out which along with regenerative health leaves no reason to go back to base. This is absolutely STUPID and backwards as it also cripples team play. In BF2 the air vehicles had to go back to base, land on the helipad(for choppers) or land on the runway to rearm and resupply while teammates could also assist on the repair or hop on. This at least made it challenging for players to make a conscious choice and retreat back to base in an attempt to survive. Now you have to chase an enemy aircraft all around the map and shoot at it constantly hopping they wont automatically repair in the air. This also means that a good/lucky player could fly around the map for an unlimited time without risking a landing for repair or rearm purposes.

•The majority of map sizes are not appropriate for aircraft's as there are way too many threats in such a condensed battlefield to try avoid or engage without being taken out.

I'm sure there are a couple of more rants in regards to all the features that are missing in BF3 compared to BF2, but they don't come to mind at the moment nor do I care, cause this is no true sequel.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:46 pm
by Righteous
I don't know Rots, if people love Battlefield 2 so much then keep playing that. I'm tired of hearing people piss and moan about it. Yes there are things that have changed since BF2 but move with the times. I played BF2 a lot, I loved it, but I jumped on last week for a run and was bored out of my brain. I played a few rounds at Karkahn (Spelling?) and couldn't believe what a grenade fest it was... You could hardly move.

I agree that the maps aren't really big enough for jets, I think they could have used a bit more space, but I've never been a big fan of the jets. They always felt like they were too powerful in BF2. If your team had a couple of good pilots then it would sway the battle in your direction in a massive way. Perhaps that's a better representation of real life but for me it just meant that there was 60 other people in the server that were just fodder.

I've only played one night of the game but I enjoyed it a lot. I think the maps are designed very well, there's a lot of variety.

I agree that the team side of things isn't amazing but I think that's more of a reflection of the people playing it. You can loan wolf a bit more than you used to and do pretty well, but, if you play with your squad and stick together you always do much better. in my opinion people who play as a squad have a lot more success, it's just hard to get with a bunch of other people that think the same. I had one guy last night tell me off because I revived him LOL. I killed the guy who shot him and then revived him, he then proceeded to flame me because I revived him. I told him it would be my sole purpose for the rest of the match to revive him every time he died. :D

It seems unlike others here, I really enjoyed the bad company games. I love the rush mode as much as conquest. For me it feels like BF3 is more of a push back in the conquest direction.

I'm thoroughly enjoying it so I guess each to their own. It's not exactly the same as BF2 but for me that isn't a bad thing.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:29 pm
by Rots
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying BF3 so far and I also enjoyed BC2 (150+ hours). But for me BC2 was a fill in after I suffered BF2 burnout and was waiting for BF3. Now that BF3 is here I still feel like I'm playing Bad Company 2 but with better graphics, bit more destruction and a couple of jets.

Like BC2, in BF3 there seems to be more focus on individual achievement than team work and I guess the FPS world has changed without me.

Re: Battlefield 3

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:27 pm
by Righteous
Yeah, I guess I agree with you in some respects, but I think the game needed to evolve. I'm sure people would complain if they just re-did BF2 with new graphics and a few new maps.

At this point BF3 feels like a good compromise between BF2 and BC 1 & 2. I don't really enjoy the COD online stuff but I can see why they would have introduced some of those elements. Will be interesting to see how the old BF2 maps are received when they are released.