Grand Slam Mod Beta test

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Clean as a Whistle
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Grand Slam Mod Beta test

Post by Woodee »

Copied from RSC
You are invited to join in on the Grand Slam beta testing.

As you know this mod has gone through a number of different stages of physics development and with Shawn Purdy joining Team Players as our main physics creation we decided to open up the beta test as was done with the Fabcar. This beta test only includes the Riley for now and we will add the other cars when they are ready to test. This will give Shawn the feedback he needs on each car so he can complete one before moving on to the next set. You will find the Pontiac, Lexus and BMW Rileys so there are 3 cars to test before the next vehicle update.

We know some of you have been waiting a long time for this mod so this is our way of thanking you for being patient and not bugging us about a release date. I am not going to list all of the contributors to this mod right now because there are just too many people that have contributed to this since it was fist started (they will be listed in the final version). In general I would like to thank all the guys in the original D3 team as well as the guys at IDT that worked on this mod as well (most are cross overs from D3/IDT). Specifically I would like to thank Pierre for turning the reins over to me to finish this up.

I would be remiss in not thanking my friend Dave Henrie for all of his hard work and efforts on the last version of the physics. I am sorry it could not have been completed with his physics but as we all know real life comes first before our hobbies. I would also like to thank X-ter, Fjalla and 24KGEM for helping us beta test this final version of Shawns physics.

I have set up a Grand Slam Beta Test thread where we invite you to post you feedback and comments over at Team Players Virtual Garage forum. You will find a thread for physics comments and another for graphics so please help us by posting your critique there. It can be found at our forum in the "Grand Am 2006" section.

This is a manual install so just extract the zip file to a safe place and follow the directory structure in the zip as it is the same as your rFactor install.

We hope you enjoy this and enjoy being part of the beta process.

Here are some notes from Shawn for those of you that are going to help.

Use the default Grill tape to simulate race conditions (20% should be default) If you want to simulate qual then go higher. However Engine heating isn't working correctly yet. ) Default setup should be pretty easy to drive, I encourage people to try to see if one car can take advantage of a tweaked setup better than another. So Go ahead with tweaking, but keep in mind 20% tape will be max without overheating when its working.

a( Which car you think is the best of the 3 in terms of lap time but maybe fuel economy also playing a factor.
b( Tire heating - if its good or not
c( longer runs to test wear rates
d( general feedback on the cars. Likes/dislikes/issues

DOWNLOAD HERE ... er0.01.rar

Team Players Virtual Garage


I have also posted this in the first post in this thread so people can find it easily.
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