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Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:24 pm
by Duke
So the last of the Grand Tours starts tonight in, of all places, Holland. It starts with a traditional Prologue of 4.5km's with rumours of Bert Grabsch running a 58T chainwheel. Normal bikes have a 53T big dog. :yikes:

Start list has some big names like the Schlek bro's, Millar, Basso, Kreuziger, Ballan, Cunego, Boonen & Cancellara.
It also marks the return of Alexander Vinokourov after serving his 2yr ban for doping. Will be interesting to see how Astana handle it, at least Contador isn't there to cause any inter-team tension.
Also the semi-suspended Spaniard Alejandro Valverde can race it.    
A few of our Aussies are also present with Cadel, Stewy, Gerro, Hanson & Alby contesting it.
Full start list here: ... start-list

I haven't chased any P2P feeds yet but I dare say will have them listed.

For up to the minute race info visit: ... -espana-gt

Also starting tomorrow morning SBS will be showing morning highlights each day at 7:15am EST.
Just a pity it will only be 15-20mins of footage but better than nothing I guess.

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:50 pm
by Gizmo
Thanks alot Flinty! :yes:

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:47 am
by norbs
Stage 2 must be the flattest stage of any grand tour, or any tour come to think of it.

Laughed when I saw this on the live ticker...

24km - Yikes! A snapped steerer-tube for Jose Ruiz Sanchez!! That's what these cobbles can do to bikes.


Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:44 am
by Duke
What a filthy day for Stage 3. Did you see that crash in the last km. Must have been 70+ riders go down. Only 4 riders at the front were able to contest the finish. Crazy!!!
Had a laugh at the guy in Stage 2 who celebrated for his team-mate not realizing he was only 2nd. What a Tool. :lol:

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:39 am
by norbs
Flinty72 wrote:What a filthy day for Stage 3. Did you see that crash in the last km. Must have been 70+ riders go down. Only 4 riders at the front were able to contest the finish. Crazy!!!
Had a laugh at the guy in Stage 2 who celebrated for his team-mate not realizing he was only 2nd. What a Tool. :lol:
When I first saw it I thought it was a set up. It just looked surreal seeing all those blokes drop.

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:31 pm
by Duke
norbs wrote:
Flinty72 wrote:What a filthy day for Stage 3. Did you see that crash in the last km. Must have been 70+ riders go down. Only 4 riders at the front were able to contest the finish. Crazy!!!
Had a laugh at the guy in Stage 2 who celebrated for his team-mate not realizing he was only 2nd. What a Tool. :lol:
When I first saw it I thought it was a set up. It just looked surreal seeing all those blokes drop.
A funny story about it here: ... about.html
Particularly this.
How to make light of such a ghoulish accident? Well, blame it on Denis Menchov for starters. For rumour has it, the Rabobank rider was 100 per cent to blame. Hard, given the Russian's absence from the race... but not in the light of comments never made at the finish line.
The Vacansoleil rider - so much for a sunny holiday, huh? - whose slip brought down the field supposedly told a team-mate: "Everything was fine before my mind switched to Denis Menchov and the mere thought of him sent me flying to the ground. Besides the rest of the peloton, I just don't know what came over me."

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:44 pm
by norbs
:lol: Excellent. Given Menchov's love of the gravel ex foliation, I sort of expected him to be in the middle of it. I actually had a look at the list of entrants to see if he was riding.

How did the MRI go big fella?

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:50 pm
by Duke
MRI is tonight. Hopefully know the results tomorrow morning after I see the Physio. :fingers crossed:

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:24 am
by Duke
Our man Evans has another dummy spit apparently. ... eling.html
He just doesn't help himself by doing shit like this. What a way to act while in the leaders golden fleece, if true he doesn't deserve to wear it. Pity he lost it to a known & convicted cheater though. I really hope Valverde doesn't with the whole Vuelta.

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:51 am
by norbs
Beat me to it Flinty.

I was just chatting to an American mate on MSN. He asked me if the Aussie cyclist in the Tour of Spain was a nutcase. :lol: I love this quote from the article you linked to above.
At best, Evans is guilty of gross over exaggeration and sour grapes; at worst, the Australian clearly needs psychiatric help.
And this.
Evans is indubitably a nice man - he just has a nasty (not to mention unbecoming) tendency to blame everyone else when things go against him. Cadel - you should let your riding do the talking and quit making out that the whole world is against you.
Really, if it was a Spaniard trying to ride him into the barriers, I could sort of understand it. They are know to pull all sorts of shit to get a Spanish rider home in their Grand Tour, but a Dutchee.

Get your head together Cadel. This is one Grand Tour you might win.

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:16 pm
by Duke
I have watched it now, it is actually quite bad, worse than the incident that saw Cav get relegated @ the TdF imho.
However I don't think it was that deliberate on Gesink's behalf & it was yet another instance of Cadel making a bad desicion. he went the wrong side & tried to push through. 50/50 at best.

Yep if he gets his head right he could win this & salvage a pretty avg season.

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:51 pm
by norbs
This from his website.... wrote:What looked like it was going to be an enjoyable day in 'gold' turned out to be a bit of a frustrating one. The team rode VERY well all day leading me into the final climb with some minutes to the break that I was hoping would take all of the bonus seconds. The final climb had one section of 19% which proved to difficult not just for us but also for the organisation. Cars and motorbikes blocking the road with all of the super enthusiastic Spanish fans taking a good share of the narrow road, I think some riders were held up...not exactly fair for the racing.
In the final, a 'racing incident' with another rider in the last 200m stopped me trying to defend the leaders jersey. Very frustrating on my part. I did let my competitor know about it, probably with a bit too much of my racing spirit and frustration. No hard feelings towards my colleague there, apologies will be in order.
As if the race was not without it's stress, as I'm riding back up the climb to the team bus (I'm sure it's among every pro riders pet hate) I'm told I had to go back the finish for the 'Cominada' jersey. As everyone whose visited a big race would know the traffic jams afterwards are exception. I was in the car with my seatbelt on admiring DS Redants years of convoy driving being put to the test, it is a wonder there are not more accidents there....
All on all, another day in the life of a professional. 0'07" down on GC is not a bad spot to be right now.
Also, from the About Cadel section.... wrote:Pet Hates Smoking. Negative people.

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:02 am
by Duke
Whao!!! Gerro won last nights stage in a 4 up sprint but I am shattered as I forgot to tape the SBS highlights show this morning.
Not too many ppl (let alone Aussies) can say they have won a stage in every Grand Tour and to do it in a 16 month time span is bloody impressive.
Next year could be even better for him as moving to a new pro team after getting these results can never hurt your chances of more success, cant wait to see him in Team Sky colours in 2010....

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:07 am
by norbs
You have to wonder about Evans. This from stage 13.
Phhhhh.... All good until a ridiculous misfortune when I punctured. Puncturing at that moment is bad luck, but the imbeciles from Shimano neutral service COULD NOT CHANGE MY WHEEL! Err...slight problem when the GC group is riding away from you on the second last hilltop finish of the Vuelta. So of course the Tv and photographers want to capture this dramatic moment, so then they blocked the team whilst doing so, leaving Nick the quick thinking team mechanic running up the hill through a traffic jam with my spare bike. Well at least I could continue....1'23" later.... Now i'm 4th at some ~1'23" - by coincidence? After the BS I have been through just to get to this race, i am not so sure i deserved that.

Tomorrow is a new day...
Stage 14s whinge.
Another hilltop finish here today. Short intense stage to finish on a climb that is not marked on any map I saw. Liquigas rode an incredible pace leading in, quite the performance. It was looking like I might be able to make up some much needed time on a steeper pitch at 3km to go, but no. Was lacking something to follow the main guys. Oh well, it's not over yet.

And yes, I did cop a 10sec penalty for receiving a bottle on the climb yesterday. Had almost one hour more till the finish, and in 'dramatic' wheel come bike change, keeping my bottle was not on my mind. ONLY 50Chf fine to go with it - no appeal allowed for <200Chf fines.... It would not be such a big deal, but those who know how many seconds I missed the Vuelta podium by last time (2007) might sympathize. Mosquera though, poor guy, got a feed from the roadside and received a 20sec penalty. That I really cannot see the sense in, or a way around on a 43km climb...
On a happier note, my year eight Physical Education teacher was at the start today. It was 16 years ago and ~16000km away that I last saw Mrs Traeger, a nice surprise. Sorry, I didn't recognize you in the first second. Enjoy your time in Spain!
His teacher must be so proud.

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:05 pm
by Duke
One word "sook". HTFU

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:35 pm
by norbs
Flinty, surely he would have a PR person? I would have thought most elite athletes would. If he does, they are doing a shit job.

Re: Vuelta a España 2009 (spinning spoilers)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:46 pm
by Duke
norbs wrote:Flinty, surely he would have a PR person? I would have thought most elite athletes would. If he does, they are doing a shit job.
I think its Chiara his wife but I am unsure who does his website, maybe Brett Aitken from way he may be a talented athlete but as we know that doesn't always equate to being overly intelligent & articulate...

I should bite my tongue as even though I have never met Cadel I do know lots of guys who have personally & professionally met him & Chiara. He has even ridden with our group and was very nice by all accounts but I am a little over his cry-baby attitude. Sorry Cadel...