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What happens to entitlements if you abandon your job.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:30 am
by Montey
I was wondering if anyone knows what happens to your employee entitlements (annual leave, etc...) if you abandon your job?

What I mean by abandoning your job is that you simply stop turning up, you just pack your stuff up one day, don't give notice, walk out and don't come back. Does your employer, upon concluding you have abandoned your employment have to pay out your entitlements?

Any ideas?

Re: What happens to entitlements if you abandon your job.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:13 am
by limbo
to the best of my knowledge... all entitlements are payed up until the last day worked.... although if you leave without giving notice the employer may be allowed to keep two weeks pay in lui of notice. would depend on workplace agreements and union and government awards. i would suggest seeking legal advice.. workplace arbitration commission or a lawyer. but the holidays and other accruable benifits will still be owed.

Re: What happens to entitlements if you abandon your job.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:14 am
by nutty
I think limbo is right.

I think when someone did the same at our work, the lost the 4 weeks of time they where ment to give as "notice" from there entitlements

Re: What happens to entitlements if you abandon your job.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:15 am
by wobblysauce
take your leave and then don't show up .. problem solved

Re: What happens to entitlements if you abandon your job.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:22 am
by pab
wobblysauce wrote:take your leave and then don't show up .. problem solved
I think it's probably the other way around, he's trying to get out of paying the entitlements to one of his (former) employees.

Re: What happens to entitlements if you abandon your job.

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:25 am
by wobblysauce
pab if that's the case, if you don't show up you don't get Squat

even now if you cant make it in, you need to phone up, so skipping out you get nada

Re: What happens to entitlements if you abandon your job.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:46 pm
by TIMMY30
Im fairly sure your annual leave is YOUR MONEY technically, it is OWED to you no matter what and they cannot simply not give it to you...