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On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:37 pm
by Hz-Lab
Hey folks, I'm slowly building up a home studio, because I have finally set about ticking off one of the things on my Bucket List.
I'm after a few odds and ends, and thought there is no harm in asking in here, just in case anyone has some shit laying around they'd like to palm off.


I need:-

Midi Controllers, in any regards really, 1stly I want a Keyboard so I can streamline my arangements, instead of manually imputing it in to Reason. But if anyone has any pad style controllers, even Midi Tables, I would love to take them off your hands.

Studio Monitors, I have a cheap said of Edirol 4" monitors, quite frankly, they really do suck, I get a better representation from my JVC Stereo speakers, which really tells me the Monitors are Shit. I am looking for at least 5", but would love some 6's for my sized room. Yamaha, Behringer, Fostex, KRK.. whatever really.

any condensor mic's

a Ukelele

a Banjo


no, those last three are not a joke, I actually want them.

Don't really know if anyone here would have anything like this? The only person I can think of might be Petey. but thought it was worth a shot. If anyone has any other audio shit that may be handy, let me know, I may be interested.

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:02 pm
by durbster
Hz-Lab wrote:...a Ukelele

a Banjo

Can't help but I'm already looking forward to the album :D

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:15 am
by petey
Hah, do have all of the above bar the bongo's, could possibly spare a condenser mic or two if I could find them. I will have a look see at whats around, we use to have enough mic's for 24 channel live recording so should be surplus hidden in a box somewhere.

Midi controllers are a relatively inexpensive item, be better off just finding a bargain at your nearest music shop I reckon?

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:35 pm
by Hz-Lab
Yeah I have a Midi Keyboard now, the main thing I require is studio monitors now. I have about 6 Condensor mics, 1 quite decent one, I remember paying about $850 for it at the time.

Whats your experience with the monitors? I've only ever had little 4 inch ones, which were quite shitty to be honest. I currently use the Stereo speakers from my HiFi, but it dresses up the mix way too much and makes it hard to really grasp whats going on.

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:40 pm
by petey
Yeah a fairly important part as I'm sure you know. I not too long ago got some mackie ones for about $600 for the pair IIRC, was a damn bargain. They are only 6-8" (not too sure right now) but clarity is tops and would definitely recommend them. Best thing, go into a music shop armed with either a cd or ipod and get them to hook a few up for you and see the difference yourself.

At the end of the day as long as it gives you the information you want (not how you would like your product to sound but what you need to make it do so - if you're with me) then its fine. I wouldn't be looking at less than $500 though, anything lower is probably not going to cut the mustard. Unfortunately I can't help you out there either, only got the one set myself and sure as hell aint partin' with it :p

Mackie review

The big factor which I like is the acoustic adjustments on the speaker, depending on where you are keeping them (close to wall/ in an alcove / out on desk) a few adjustments like those provided really clean shit up.

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:41 pm
by Hz-Lab
Did some math, apparently anything bigger than 6" is no good for the room I am recording in. Hearing good things about the Krk rockits. Might need to bite the bullet and buy some. My midi controller is due tomorrow so I can start putting it all together this weekend. Pulled the guitar out of retirement last night with the vAmp. Time to do some writing!

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:36 am
by Crowella
KRK are great monitors. We have two of them in the studio I'm going to this week. I think they are very representative of what is being put out.

I want to hear what you get out of this. Sounds interesting :yes:

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:43 pm
by petey
Can vouch for krk too, had them way back at college and they were nice (still preferred the old mackies back then too however - probably just me).

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:45 pm
by Hz-Lab
Got my Midi Keyboard tonight, So i guess its time to actually start piecing some stuff together. I'll definitely put some stuff up here and there, Might even call on you guys for some guest

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:34 pm
by Enforcer-J
noice! I suppose you'll be too busy for a ride over the weekend then!

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:50 pm
by w00dsy
it's a shame Steel Panther already used the name Balls Out, because you could have used the nut pic you sent me as the album cover.

Re: On the hunt for stuff....

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:48 pm
by Hz-Lab
Enforcer-J wrote:noice! I suppose you'll be too busy for a ride over the weekend then!
Nah, still riding