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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:49 am
by pixelboy
Im looking to get some good earbuds to replace my ipod headphones.

Im looking at the KOSS "The Plug".

BIG priority is to block out the noise of north shore house wife's and school kid's on the train.

Any other suggestions or good retailers?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:03 pm
by Gusto
I've heard about the plug, but was out of my price range at the time. I got myself a pair of KOSS KSC-35's (over the ear earphones), and the bass you hear when you push normal earphones into your head, thats what these sound like normally :yes:

That said, i'd like some noise blocking phones myself.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:01 pm
by Hz-Lab
i have a pair of behringer HPS5000's. they are headphones not plugs, but pack a bit of punch, and are relatively lightweight. prolly not what your after tho

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:15 pm
by pixelboy
They look good HZ but I want something small and easy to carry.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:27 pm
by Hz-Lab
sennheiser do a good range of foldable headphones, they fold up into a little case about the size of a glasses case if memory serves me right. and being seenheiser i'd say they'd be a quality product, pretty bassey and that, i have heard their other phones and they have a beautiful sound

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:28 pm
by pixelboy
yeah I looked at the foldable ones but they are "open" and as such will still leak in external sound id say.

I dont wanna have to play my tunes LOUD (and damage my ears) to hear it over the external noise

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:11 pm
by ysu
Best sounding headphones I heard to date (I own a pair too) the bose tri-port models. The bass is elemental, and I'm not kidding. I've heard a few hi-fi equipment, these sound almost like a very good pair of real speakers.
The only difference is that you cannot 'feel' the bass in your guts. I really miss that :)

There are noise cancelling models too, they are amazing. With a hefty price tag though...

The sennheiser stuff are pretty good too, they are more durable, and cheaper. But the best sound award from me goes to bose :nod:

Edit: pix if you wanna hear them, just call me (or go in to the bose shop in the Hornsby Westfield's)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:14 pm
by 9ra55h0ppaH
ive been using the Sony EX-71SL's for about a year, and before that had a pair of the EX-51's, they work a bit like those Koss ones you were talking about, using silicone earbuds to keep the suckers in yer ears. they sound quite good for something so small, they are around the 100 dollar mark though, and the only place i have seen them locally is, i had no troubles with them at all :)

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:52 pm
by pixelboy
Hows the top end on them Grass? Ive read they are all bass and the top end is quite muddy?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:03 pm
by 9ra55h0ppaH
i cant fault em tbh, they sounded awesome compared to some 100$ speakers and $40 sony headphones, but since upgrading to $300 logitech speakers and $100 koss headphones they are not quite as mind-blowing as before, listening to them now compared to my desktop speakers, its hard to describe, my speakers sound more "authentic" and realistic, but a subwoofer does that... if you could desribe the sound of the headphones, the top-end (cymbals, guitar) sound a bit wierd and distorted, thats around 2/3'rds volume on my ipod, which is pretty loud for these in-ear type earphones. i cant fault them at 1/2 volume though...

they certainly shit all over normal ipod headphones, thats for sure! :D

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:39 pm
by pixelboy
Cool, thanks guys..

I think im still going with the KOSS as they are half the price of the EX71's.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:44 pm
by matticooper
I bought the "in-ear" iPod headphones which are pretty damn good. I'm usually found riding the trains and not knowing which stop is mine if I have my eyes closed. $80 for them tho... a little steep.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:50 pm
by pixelboy
I just got the "Plug's" of eBay for $40 AUD delivered from England. Ill report back on them when they arrive.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:06 pm
by Latch
Ah bugger, this thread moved too quick. I've got some Plugs here Pix. I'd let you have them for less. They sound alright when you push them into your ears, but suffer the same loss as normal earphones when sitting in your ears unaided. I actually can't keep them in my ears. Whenever I smile they fall out, new or old foams. Break had the same problems too.

For earphones, I replaced my iPod things with Sennheiser MX400, and Break has MX450. They sound pretty good, but much of a muchness compared to iPod phones really.

As for headphones, I have Alessandro MS1s (very open and prone to outside noise, but good for my home) and Break has Audio Technica AD-700. Both sound really really good.

Headphonic is definitely THE place to shop for audio stuff in my opinion. The snippets of info they give are good, but if you need more info, the shop owner is a regular on OCAU under the name of Snufkin.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:32 pm
by bertie
I bought a set of the Koss Plugs as well, to wear whilst I'm out riding. Firstly to keep the wind and bike noise levels down, and secondly because I thought they'd have a better chance of staying put when putting my helmet on and off. Objective 1 achieved, objective 2 not so much.

As Latch mentioned, they fall out too easily for my liking. But for the price (about $40), they did deliver OK sound and good bass, and did a good job of reducing the environmental sounds. But I found the foam tends to go a bit funny pretty quickly. So I'm back top the drawing board.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:28 pm
by pixelboy
After using the KOSS Plugs for about a month now I am very happy...

They rock.. great sound and I no longer have to listen to fellow comuters talking about what 4WD they should buy :nod: