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AMD Dual Core For Sale

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:07 pm
by Bluesman
Ok guys here it is, the once in a lifetime opportunity to buy an brand spanking new still in the box 3 year warranty AMD X2 4800+ processor.

Here's the deal. I recently bid on 2 of these things on Ebay, thinking that i'll be lucky to get one at the price i bid, AND I WON THEM BOTH!!! :yikes:
so now i gotta get rid of one as i could barely afford 1 nevermind 2 of the bastards lol

So the 1st person to PM me saying they'll buy it will win this wonderful CPU at a never to be repeated price. If i have noone buying it from me then
it will be relisted and sold through Ebay.

So how much would you expect to pay for this fastas superduper fully sic processor???? $1200??? $1000??? $900???

HOW ABOUT $675 AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS!!!!! Thats right you heard it correct Six Hunnert and Seventy Five smackeroos, so get in quick.

But wait theres more.....................1st in will also get a FREE set of steak kniv........oops wrong AD......because its brand new in the box you also get
a spiffo heatsink & fan using the latest heatpipe technology :wow: , so don't miss out, PM ME NOW!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:29 pm
by nutty
damm your tempting me, thats like $300 off the prices going around :S

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:44 pm
by Exar Kun
Holy shitsky that's cheap. I'm hanging out for Conroe right now but damn that's a good price.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:56 pm
by AstrO

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:15 pm
by r8response
Bargain price right there, as its close to Tax time and i have plans to upgrade, ill take this puppy off your hands

ill pay for the express postage and insurance if you can give me a price on that

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:34 pm
by Bluesman
SOLD!! Ok r8 its your baby. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'll PM you in the next day or so with the postage costs and payment method.

Hope you get alotta enjoyment outa it :)

Oh and Astro, just for the record it was the bottom cpu on ya list.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:40 am
by r8response

wow, what a day. started at 8:30am finished at 5:00pm then went back to work to do a VoIP phone system and only just finished. currently the time is 1:09am

this just made my day just that more merrier