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Post by wobblysauce »

Been coming back to this site every once and a while and thought about sharing with the Arse." onclick=";return false;

For mobile people I will quote one in here for you.
Stubborn Shovel Seller
Posted at: 2012-08-29 06:27:13 | 688 comments | Add Comment
Original ad:
Pole hedge trimmer for sale - Homelite electric hedge trimmer. Great condition. $50 OBO. Email me at russ*******

From Me to Russ *******:

Hey Russ,

That's a really nice shovel you have in the picture. Is it for sale?


From Russ ******* to Me:

Sorry guy. Only selling the hedge trimmer.

From Me to Russ *******:

I'll give you $10 for the shovel.

From Russ ******* to Me:

Cant you read? The shovel isnt for sale.

From Me to Russ *******:

You drive a hard bargain on the shovel. I'll give you $15 for it, and that is my final offer.

From Russ ******* to Me:

Here is my final offer: shut the hell up and leave me alone!


Later, from another email account...


From Me to Russ *******:

Hey I'm emailing you about the shovel. Your asking price of $10 sounds fair to me. And with the free extention cord, that is a steal. I'll take it!

From Russ ******* to Me:

What are you on about? The shovel isn't for sale.

From Me to Russ *******:

Excuse me? That's not what your ad says.

From Russ ******* to Me:

My ad says nothing about the shovel. I'm selling the hedge trimmer, not the shovel. Look again. Nowhere is a shovel mentioned.

From Me to Russ *******:

Quit dicking me around. This ad says you are selling the shovel!


I can assure you I am not Jewish so you can stop pretending you aren't selling the shovel.

From Russ ******* to Me:

Oh my god...I swear I didnt put that up. Somebody is messing with me!

From Russ ******* to Me:

Can you send me the link to that ad so I can have them take it down?

From Me to Russ *******:

Sorry, I can't find the link anymore. My wife needed to use the computer so I had to delete my browsing history because I was looking at porn earlier. It was somewhere in the stuff for sale section, if I'm not does this mean I can't buy your shovel?


From another email account...


From Me to Russ *******:

Dear Anti-Semite douchebag,

I got a bone to pick with you. I came across your ad in my search for a new shovel and it seemed like a great deal. Until I read your disgusting comment about not selling the shovel to Jewish people. How the hell do you think that is acceptable in this day and age? What does it matter what religion someone is for you to sell them a shovel? This is absolutely despicable and an outrage to the Jewish community. You make me sick.

Sincerely NOT buying your shovel of hatred,

Mordecai Goldstein

From Russ ******* to Me:

I don't have a problem with jews at all! Someone else put that ad up to mess with me and I cant find where it is! Can you send me the link to the ad please??

From Me to Russ *******:

Why don't you shovel your Nazi bullshit to someone else? This "Jew" isn't buying it!


He finally decided to email my original account:


From Russ ******* to Me:

Look you little prick I know you put that fucking ad up and you need to take it the fuck down RIGHT NOW. I'm not selling the fucking shovel GET OVER IT and quit being immature you son of a bitch.

From Me to Russ *******:

I'm sorry, I thought I was doing you a favor. I wanted you to see how many great offers you could get if you decided to sell the shovel.

From Russ ******* to Me:

I'M NOT SELLING THE FUCKING SHOVEL LET IT GO! Tell me this asshole if you were doing a favor then why did you put that shit about the jews in there???

From Me to Russ *******:

I detected some strong anti-Semitic undertones in our initial conversation...I just assumed you were an anti-Semite. My apologies.

From Russ ******* to Me:



I emailed him one last time, from another account.


From Me to Russ *******:

Good afternoon!

I saw your ad for the shovel for sale. I'm more interested in the axe you have in that picture. Are you selling the axe? I'll give you $20 cash for it.

- Dave
Some play it safe on the merry-go-round, others go for the thrills of the roller-coaster.

ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ vs ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ

I have a joke for you. I have a prediction that you are going to walk into a bar, my prediction was wrong and your wallet is gone.
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Post by SE1Z »

That site is amazing.
Tears, I have tears!
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Post by NeilPearson »

this one is my favorite so far!" onclick=";return false;
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Post by VTRacing »

Maybe I'm getting old but I find that sort of thing really annoying. The site should be called

It's like a radio station prank call without the promise of an icy cold Coca-Cola at the end.
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Post by NeilPearson »

I like it when people place adverts that deserve it, hence that rock one. he wants something, but doesn't want to pay, or even bother to get it himself. he is asking for shit.

I saw an advert on gumtree a few days ago, WANTED: IPAD4. only willing to pay $250. stupid people wanting something for nothing.
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Post by DarrenM »

Meh, it's a funny prank and no harm done.

The rocks one is funny, but people are often happy for others to take landfill for free so I don't see a problem asking for it. Heaps of ads for it on gumtree :)
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