Looking for 17 (or 19) in LCD's

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Looking for 17 (or 19) in LCD's

Post by pab »


Not sure if anyone here can help me, but it's worth a shot.

I've just picked up a well priced Triple H2Go (analog) for racing with. Obviously I'm now going to need some monitors for it (I have been using a very old Sony 17in CRT that was surplus at work for racing up until now). I'm on the lookout for three 17in, 4:3 (1280 x 1024) LCD's that I'll mount on a frame I hope a mate can help me build. 19 in would obviously be OK too (better in some ways) but I'm thinking with the extra cost they'd be I'm better off sticking with 17's for now. Three monitors of the same brand and model would be best, and reasonably thin bezels would be ideal, but I'm probably not going to be in a position to be too choozy and keep them affordable I guess, we'll see.

I suppose my best hope would be an office environment that is updating to bigger monitors and looking to get rid of older ones. Apart from that it looks as though my options are limited to watching ebay and grabbing them one at a time when they come up at a good price.

Anyone have any connections/ideas/places to look that might be able to help me?

Radioactive Race Engineering #16 / Lightning Karts KT100s #61
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Re: Looking for 17 (or 19) in LCD's

Post by ysu »

I'm not even sure you can buy 17" monitors anymore ;)

Anyway, take a looksie:

I don't think you can think about 2nd hand ones, since you need 3 of the same kind...
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Re: Looking for 17 (or 19) in LCD's

Post by pab »

Yep, you're right, you can't buy new ones any more, and there seem to be very few 4:3 19in ones avaialble now too, they are all widescreen (which is no good for me).

So I am looking second hand, so either looking for someone who has access to ex corporate stock (where they are updating many workstations at once) or just watching ebay, picking a model and then grabbing 3 of that model as they come up over time. The fact that you can't just buy them off the shelf is why I thought it would be worth asking here just in case anyone had any leads.

Thanks for the link, although the cheapest one is $185, and they go on ebay for about $100 inc shipping, so I can't see myself going new.
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Re: Looking for 17 (or 19) in LCD's

Post by Cetram »

Have you tried Grays Online? They have new lots of ex-lease crap all the time.. They're bound to have what you're after eventually.
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Re: Looking for 17 (or 19) in LCD's

Post by pab »

Interesting, thanks, I'll keep an eye open there and see what I can find.
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Re: Looking for 17 (or 19) in LCD's

Post by TIMMY30 »

I have a 20" ASUS monitor im looking to get rid of cheapish. PM me if interested :)
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