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What Music are you into?

Post by tehsid »

I'm into metal. Like crazy shit.... not that eep growling shit, but good, shit.. like pantera (R.I.P Dimebag)

what about you guys?
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Post by w00dsy »

I'm slightly less metal than you, but love SOAD, they are about as heavy as i'd get though. Mostly heavy rock i'd say, anything with loud crunchy guitar and a half decent melody.
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Post by Exar Kun »

The Seattle grungey type period was my thing. I like Tea Party, Primus, Faith No More, Pumpkins etc...
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Post by Nigel »

Music that involves.... music. That top 40 shit is not really music. At least its not really singing. Take them out of the studio and most of us could out sing them. I mostly prefer instrementals, jazz, some classical, Techno (that style anyway) and proper rock.
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Post by pogo »

pretty much see above ^^,

Love faith no more, tho I never got into any of Patton's side stuff. Went thru a Primus period, a Tea Party Period, a smashing pumpkins period (still sorta there) My one undying love grunge-wise is Chris Cornell, nee Soundgarden now Audioslave. The new album I really dig, a bit poppy but it seems to have some depth :)

Went thru a metal phase too, loved Pantera when i was a whipper-snipper (never quite understood that expression), Sepultura, aussie band named Abremelin, some black metal (Cradle of Filth, Macabre) some death metal. Even some old-schooley stuff, like slayer and maybe a touch of megadeath. Metallica never really turned me on.

Also quite like aussie hip-hop, (some) folk and the odd bit of electronica... Go figure.

I have a love/hate thing going on with the queens of the stoneage. Absolutely PERFECT song one minute, album filler the next.

Can't stand nu-metal/nu-punk or whatever the hell it's called.

Biggish post, but u did ask...
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Post by AstrO »

Drum and Bass...
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Post by Bacchulum »

Metal basically, I won't choose a genre as I like a bit of everything. :D
I do like Tea Party, Tool and even "softer" bands but it really comes down to how well the song was written.

Right now I feel like some Hatebreed. :headbang: :matrix: :devil:
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Post by Sarsippius »

I like a lot of different stuff, I like most metal and can't stand the snobbery that surrounds it nowadays. I like stoner/psychedelic rock as well like Fu Manchu and Kyuss, Queens are great as well but not a patch on Kyuss. Still like all the grunge stuff like AIC, Soundgarden etc. I wouldn't class FNM as grunge but love them as well. I also like the older classics like Hendrix, Cream, Pink Floyd but Zappa is the absolute king, got a stack of bootlegs from throughout his career and as a musician he has no peer.
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Post by pogo »

nah, FNM aren't grunge. AIC, yeah, I loved them, and still have a listen every now and then. As for Kyuss, only heard one record, didnt like it... :)

Havent heard Zappa.
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Post by Sarsippius »

pogo wrote:Havent heard Zappa.
Well there's something like 100 albums to choose from :faint:
Give Sheik Yerbouti a listen, it's got a nice range of tracks or if you fancy something a bit more deviant in nature try The Mothers - Filmore East, June 1971 :yes:
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Post by SamC »

Whats that song that goes " SOMEDAY SOMEDAY..I will be the one babe" or something like that?

Whos it by?
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Post by w00dsy »

collinss wrote:Whats that song that goes " SOMEDAY SOMEDAY..I will be the one babe" or something like that?

Whos it by?
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Post by somebloke »

AstrO wrote:Drum and Bass...
Yeah, Ltj Bukem is by far the best. Don't mind a bit of drum and bass for a change from the trance sounds every now and then.
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Post by steve_w05 »

I listen to just about anything. as long as its a well written piece of music. from classical to the current stuff. african, south american or native american indian music. it doesn't matter to me. good music/song is just that, no matter what style on genre it is from.
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Post by Barge »

Nothing new anymore :( I just don't get what is happening with music, if we can even call it that.
When i was learning guitar i went out and got music of every damn guitarist and guitar style i could find that had some effect on me. So this is a summary of whats in my collection:
Eric Claption (from 1966 onwards) Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Allman Brothers (wow their latest line up is INSANE) Johnny Winter ( :eyepop: ) John Williams, Frank Zappa, Chillie Peppers, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Hundreds of random blues people, Robben Ford, Cold Chisel, Bob Marley, Ben Harper, etc....
Prolly forgotten to mention heaps...but you get the drift.
Haven't heard Frank Zappa?? :melt: I grabbed an album to hear some of his guitar playing...and got hooked. Great stuff.
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Post by Sarsippius »

:damnkids: lol

I agree though Barge, still some good stuff here and there but the music industry is too much of a machine these days.

Always good to hear of a fellow Zappa fan, my dad got me hooked early, bastard saw him live some time in the 70's. Don't think I've ever heard a better guitar solo improviser than Zappa :shake:
If I ever make it to an ARSE meet your at I'll bring along a stack of Zappa bootlegs for ya :)
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Post by Sterling »

Good aussie rock, stuff like Powderfinger, Eskimo Joe, SuperJesus etc, especially anything live and accoustic.
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Post by Crankcase »

I used to own/operate a PA/lighting hire bussiness and have worked for many ozzy bands. So I like good old home grown pub rock. :aussie2:
Anything from AC/DC who I saw live in 1974 to the Jets. Probally not up with anything over the last couple of years cause I have very little brain cells left and Im deaf :oldie:

:yikes: Frank Zappa, now that brings back some memories.

Just listen to the blues now :nod: :band:
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Post by breakneck »

I'm into a whole lot of music. Old and new. Mainly alt rock, then veering to the heavy side, and way back to the acousic folk side, and including blues imbetween.

I love most of the stuff Barge posted - Pink floyd, SRV, EC, Phish etc etc, but I also like a lot of modern stuff. Gomez, Radiohead, muse. I could go on listing my fav's all night, but that would prolly bore you.

I'm not normally one to get caught up in any music fads, but I can help but absolutely loving all this new (mainly brit) dance rock - the music, block party, franz ferdinand etc. Its tops!

Hmm, I listen to JJJ a bit too.. so that covers the oz bands I've overlooked ;)

Others will undoubtebly know much more about this that I, but Steve Vai played (rythm?) guitar with Zappa. Before he decided he would go it alone.
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Post by Sarsippius »

Steve Vai was normally credited with 'Impossible guitar bits' or something like that so it'd be a bit unfair so say he did rhythm ;)
As good as Zappa was he would write some guitar parts that we're even a bit too difficult for him to play so he'd get someone like Vai that's lightning fast to play them.
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Post by Barge »

Yeah Vai was Franks "Stunt Guitarist" :D
Sars you sound like me with Allman Brothers. I got bootlegs from every corner of the damn planet. ANYTHING to hear a bit more of Duane Allman playing slide...or more recently Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks.

Every now and then i dust off me old LesPaul and have a play...I just wind up feeling inadequate after listening to those blokes play.

Found a live concert DVD of the Allmans from a year ago. Shit hot really, except for Greg's dying vocals....
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Post by Hz-Lab »

umm, i'm probably most of all a metal head, stuff like Mushroomhead, Hatebreed, Static-X, Fear Factory, Hed (pe), Skindred, but i get into anything, as long as its done well. I listen to all sorts from Aphex Twin to Michael Buble, to Bjork, to Green Day.

Me and fellow FMR'er Enforcer-J make quite a bit of our own music and do a little bit of Aussie Hip Hop here and there, while we also dive down other paths too, i do a lot of heavy rock tunes and a lot of Industrial Electronica too. Even various forms of Pop. So i guess i would say its hard to say what music is my fave, but yeah, Metal probably takes up most of my listening time.
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Post by nutty »

I guess the music im into can be classed as "alternate rock" stuff along the lines of grinspoon/foo fighters/ect..

Saying that, I also enjoy aussie hip hop, and some (very little) rap. Like most people, once the beer is in me I can stand 70's/80's music as well :)
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Post by w00dsy »

Zappa called Vai his 'Italian Virtuoso'. Anyone heard some of Dweezil Zappa's stuff? it's insanse. Here's an mp3 from Spinal Taps Break Like The Wind cd, it's Dweezil shredding all over it, Mad. http://gplmovies.com/DivaFever.mp3
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Post by petey »

Love some good jazz, "oldies" rock like Led zepplin.... Just i like anything but Gangsta Rap... or really any rap for that matter.
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