Thermaltake Silent 939 K8 AMD K8 Solution w/Heatpipe Cooling

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Thermaltake Silent 939 K8 AMD K8 Solution w/Heatpipe Cooling

Post by tehsid »

Selling Thermaltake Silent 939 K8 AMD K8 Solution w/Heatpipe Cooling Tec

Image ... -p0200.htm

Selling for $30, but I brought it for $49.
I've opened it once, but it didnt fit my CPU. (Should have read the lable, hey)

I'm in Vic, but I'll send it out anyware, but I may have to charge $5 more to get it out of Vic (I'm poor, shh)

If you want to know anything, or want some pic (I would have posted some off my phone camera, but it wont detect on my PC at the moment...)

PM, if your interested.

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